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One month later and we are still stuck here. Minho and I are the keepers of the runners so we get the pleasure of training the newbies who get the all clear to become runners. Usually there's a referral from me and Minho which then has to be approved by Alby. Recently, Newt showed an interest in becoming a runner so currently,  I am training Newt  while Minho gets to lounge around at the glade due to an injury of which he suffered recently. 


"Katie! Help!"I hear the only voice and the only one I could think of that could be in the maze with me; Minho. I full on sprint even though I'm exhausted from a whole days worth of running but that was when I saw him. He was on the ground and I could tell something had happened. I run over to him, visibly worried.

"What happened?" I ask while panting, exhausted from my sudden burst of energy but adrenaline running through me all the same. 

"I went to turn a corner and slipped. I think I hurt my ankle." He replies. I roll my eyes. 

"Oh no shit Sherlock. Of course you've hurt your ankle." I reply to his explanation. I look at him ankle before helping him up and assist him in making his way back to the glade. Later on I found out that it was only a sprain and that he would be OK. He just needed a few days rest.

Back to the present

"Katie. Are we going to stop yet? I am starving and hungry." Newt asks. I laugh but stop and turn to him. I smile. 

"Oh come on Newt! This is what you have to do to be a runner. But yes we can stop. I'm hungry too." I reply. We  plop down onto the floor and take out our lunches. Nothing spectacular; just a sandwich with our bottles of water to help wash it down. Apparently I was hungry because I finished mine before Newt even started his. 

Throughout the day, I show Newt the sections that still need to be mapped and help him draw something similar in his notebook so that it can be transferred to the bigger bits of paper we have in our mapping room. As he is new, we only went through the main corridors; holding off on the sections for the day. 

As the day was drawing to  a close, Newt and I decide to head back to the glade before the doors to the maze closed for the night. Upon arrival, we head straight to the mapping room where I help Newt draw an accurate description of what the maze contained. There was nothing different but it's still vital in case something changes. Once we both finish we leave and go do what we want with me going to Minho. There are no doctors here so I am the closest they have to first aid officer. Of course the boys won't know how to do first aid properly.

"Hey Minho. How are you feeling?" I ask Minho once I reach the homestead. He's sitting up on the bed, half asleep. I can tell he's bored out of his mind. 

"Hmm? Oh hey Katie. Not too bad. Still a little sore." He replies with a frown and I look at him with sympathy. 

"Well, at least you're listening to me. It looks like you haven't walked around all day and that is a rare sight to see." He laughs and I know that he is happier but wishes to be on the move. 

"Yeah well. People are scared of you. Including me." I smile.

"Is that so? Is that a good or bad thing?" I flirt and he smirks at me.

"Depends." He says as he gives me a quick kiss before I pull away and begin cooking dinner. Tomorrow we get our new arrival and I'm hoping to god they can cook.

Later on I start whipping up a quick dinner for the boys. I decide on making some pasties that I used to love when I was younger. They were easy to and after today, I really just wanted to sleep.

After dinner and pack up I went for a quick walk in the woods to clear my mind. The boys were all sleeping after today's work. Alby has to take care of the glade himself with Newt's training and Minho inactive which means he has the gory job of providing us with our food for the next couple of days. This includes killing a pig or chicken and keeping the crops healthy; even with the limited water we have. Newt used to be his helper.

After my walk and checking on all the boys I enter my room and hop into bed; hoping I wake up before the new greenie arrives so that I can avoid the task of answering the question of what's our there?  Then, I fall into a peaceful sleep and I know that I will never get this sleep again. 


I wake up to birds chirping and the trees swaying but also, the hot sun blazing through my window. I groan in annoyance. Another day in this godforsaken place but a day with a new arrival. Another person to help keep this place just a little more bearable than what it already is.

I walk downstairs to find all the boys already eating breakfast and I look at Minho who seems to think he's going running today. He must've seen the look I gave him because before I can say a word he runs off, as if to prove that he is now capable of doing his job. I smile and grab some cereal and sit beside Newt.

"Well, since Minho is back now, who do you want to run with?" I ask Newt and he looks at me with milk dripping down his chin. It takes all my willpower not to laugh at him. Alby also sits there, smirking.

"I reckon I'll run with you if that's OK?" He asks me and I nod before quickly finishing off my cereal and collecting my belongings to get ready for another day in the maze.

As I make my way to the maze walls, I see Minho standing in the the line of the sun; his silhouette stalking behind him but also framing his strong figure. I stand next to him, joining in his stretches.

"Newt said he wants to run with me today. You good by yourself?" I inform him and he nods then gives a little jump and the doors create a loud noise signalling they're open for business. Challenging us to a new day. I give a little laugh and say goodbye as he runs into the unknown while I wait for Newt who is trying his best to put his pack on while also running.

"Come on man! We're burning day light!" I mock and he gives me a playful glare. As he reaches me I run into the walls of the maze, hoping to dear god that we can find something good.

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