John 3:14-15: The Son of Man Must Be Lifted Up

Start from the beginning

In regards to what was yet to come, Jesus tells Nicodemus that "as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man (Jesus) be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life." Jesus is referring to an event recorded in Numbers 21:4-9.

While Moses led Israel in the wilderness after the exodus from Egypt there were many instances where they rebelled against God, faced punishment, and then repented. In this instance, the people had already witnessed a host of miraculous signs and deliverances from destruction including the parting of the Red Sea, and miraculous provision of water and food. But again the people found themselves low on water and discontent with the manna God had provided them from heaven to eat. They grumbled and complained "against" God instead of "to" God. The Bible tells us "they spoke against God and against Moses" as they asked why they had been brought into the wilderness to die without water and food. They had food, but they called what God had provided for them "worthless." They had also been provided water in miraculous ways multiple times. But instead of asking God for more, they spoke against Him. This was a big deal, and God sent poisonous serpents among them as punishment, and many people died as a result of their sin.

But God also sent a way of deliverance. While the people were at fault for their sin, God graciously provided a way of escape. He told Moses to make a serpent and place it on a pole for all the people to look at and be healed. Moses did so. He made a serpent out of bronze, fastened it to a pole, and lifted it up high for all to see. While serpents are often a symbol of evil in the Bible, in this case the bronze serpent on a pole is a symbol of sin that has been judged and atoned for. Through these miraculous means of healing, God made it obvious to everyone that it was He who healed them and provided for them up to this point. Importantly there was nothing they could do to receive healing and therefore life. All they had to do was look at the serpent on the pole with faith in God's ability to heal them, and He did.

This is a significant event in the history of God's people, and Jesus is telling Nicodemus here that this event was meant to offer a glimpse of what was to come. Just as God commanded Moses to "lift up" the serpent in the wilderness in order to give life to the people, so must Jesus, the Son of Man, be "lifted up." Only, this time it would not be to give temporary life in this world within the Kingdom of Israel, but rather, eternal life in God's Kingdom for all people from all nations.

We have all sinned against God. We are born dead in our sin and we need a miracle. We do not deserve one, but we all need one. Jesus is comparing Himself to the serpent because we have rebelled against God, but He has graciously provided a means of salvation. This means of salvation is accomplished through the lifting up of Jesus on the cross to bear the righteous judgment of God for the sin of the whole world. If God did not judge sin He would not be loving. Look at what sin has done to the world. Sin must be judged and eradicated. But to do so apart from the redeeming work of Jesus on the cross would mean to judge and condemn us because we are sinners. Because God is not only perfectly just, but also loving, He satisfied the righteous requirements of Divine justice by taking the just punishment for sin on Himself in Jesus Christ, who is fully God and fully human.

He sacrificed His only Son, who participated willingly because He and the Father are One, and so is their will. God did this so that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life. In looking at the judgment of God we see the love of God. Wrath and judgment are concepts many western people struggle with. How can God be loving and wrathful? If we do away with the righteous wrath and judgment of God, then we have to do away with the love of God too. To leave sin and the atrocities it has led to would not be loving. And to sweep our sin under the rug and ignore it would not be just. Because God is perfectly just, He will punish sin. But because He is also perfectly loving, He has taken the punishment on Himself so that we can be saved. But to be saved unto eternal life requires that we look to He who was "lifted up" on a cross for us. Like the Israelites dying from the poison of the serpents, we are dying from the poison of sin and there is nothing we can do to save ourselves. But God, because of His great love and mercy has done what we cannot do. He lifted up His Son on the cross and up to life again three days later.

Now, by repenting of our sin and placing our faith in Jesus we can be cleansed of the poison of our sin, and raised to eternal life with Him. There is nothing we can do. Jesus has done it all. All that is required of us is to look to Jesus who was lifted up for us, and in faith, believe in the power of His redemptive work to cleanse our sin and grant us His perfect righteousness.

Whatever we may not understand about our greatest need, the cleansing of sin, and the only and incomparably wonderful solution, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we must not spurn this great gift. They fact is we have all sinned and fallen short of God's righteous perfection. For this reason we are separated from Him. But by His grace, and through faith in Jesus Christ, everyone can be saved. And it is God's desire that we will be saved to glorify Him and experience His great and endless love.

If you have not placed your faith in Jesus, repented and received forgiveness for the poison of sin that is killing you, I invite you to do so right now. You do not have to climb a mountain or go on some great spiritual pilgrimage to be saved. There is nothing anyone can do to save themselves. Jesus, God Himself has done everything because He is glorious and He loves you. Confess your sin, ask for forgiveness and ask Jesus to be the one and only Lord of your life and you will be saved (Romans 10:9-10).

If you have any question about how to become a Christian or what it means to be a Christian, please do not hesitate to ask.

Application (How does this change how I think, act and pray?):

From this passage we learn about the complete foreknowledge of God in using this bronze serpent attached to a pole to symbolize the far greater salvation to come about a couple thousand years later. Jesus on the cross was always plan A to save us. There is nothing we can do to save ourselves, but because of His glory, love, mercy and grace, God has done it all.

Jesus lived the perfect life we never could, and died the death we deserve. With both His life and death He fulfilled the righteous requirement of the Law, and now, by placing our faith in Him, the Law of God that we have violated has been fulfilled in us. All that is required to be considered righteous in God's eyes and lifted up from death to life is to look to His Son who was lifted up for us.

Self Reflection:

Do I understand that the one and only way to receive eternal life is to repent of my sin and believe in Jesus Christ as my one and only Lord and Savior?

What does the fact that Jesus willingly set aside the splendor of heaven to be brutally murdered by His creation in order to give me eternal life with Him tell about His glory and His love for me?

How does the promise of eternal life with Jesus and all who have believed in Him give me hope and comfort in difficult times right now?

#JesusChrist #liftedup #eternallife #believe #biblestudy

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