Chapter 14- Betrayal

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Soon Jim, Y/n and Morph wandered the jungle-like area in the hope of some shelter, it was awfully quiet between the two they didn't even look at one another. Jim had still felt betrayed by Y/n. Y/n on the other hand walked silently, still shaken up by Silver's actions.

While crossing a small cliff it gave way and Y/n slightly slipped.

"Whoa," Jim said as he gently caught her in his arms. Y/n fell into his chest and looked up to see his eyes. "Are you-" Snapping back to reality Jim grabbed Y/n but the shoulders and stood her away from him, he then began to walk on without her.

"Thanks," Y/n said in a quiet voice. Jim, however, stayed silent as he continued to walk away.

"What's wrong with you?" Y/n said as she trailed on behind him.

"Whatever," Jim said as he continued to walk ahead.

"So now what? Is it back to the old ways? Where you don't care for me?" Y/n asked looking at the dish boy. "Y'know you're a real moody person Jim... I just," Y/n struggled to find the right words. "Jim I care for you-"

"Don't lie to yourself!" Jim snapped walking back to Y/n. "Don't pretend as you care for me okay Y/n? Because you don't! You never have- no one ever has-"

"Yes, they do!" Y/n let out Jim's eyes widened at the pitch of her voice. "You're just too dramatic to see it!" He was finally silent. "And if we make it out here alive we are going back to the ways things were, where you didn't even look at me," Y/n said firmly. "Back when I didn't care for you and you certainly didn't care for me."

"Oh that's rich coming from you," Jim said following behind Y/n. "You didn't give a damn about me back at the Inn, so don't pretend like you care about me now."

Y/n paused for a moment as she rubbed her forehead she was getting a headache from the day's constant turn of events, "Jim I like you... A lot, I used to get so furious when girls would come to the Inn just so they could flirt with you." Jim was being honest he was oblivious to that piece of information. Jim would flirt with the girls at the Inn but he didn't think that Y/n would be jealous. "Ever since the night you came to my room and read me the story of Treasure Planet I've liked you."

Jim wanted to be with Y/n but how can you be with somebody who's trying to betray you? Little did he know that Y/n was thinking the same thing. Set up against each other by Silver and yet they were both innocent, each other thought that they were backstabbing one another.

"How could you do this to me?" Y/n said reflecting on what Silver had told her, that Jim was only using her for her necklace which was the missing piece to the map's puzzle.

"I could ask you the same thing," Jim shot back, he felt so betrayed and the lies that Silver had already fed to him. Morph hovered over the arguing couple not knowing who to trust, the poor creature was jumping back and forth from Jim to Y/n. Jim said as he turned over to look at her, "How can I ever trust you?" Jim asked her brokenheartedly.

Y/n was trying her best to argue without crying, she wanted to get her point across. "I needed help and I could have called for anybody but I called for you because I trust you to save me...when Silver was-"

Y/n's mind was racing through her memories trying to recollect the last moments leading up to the escape boats. "Silver," Y/n let out, "he stayed behind with me and choked me until he got my necklace-"

"What are you talking about?" Jim said as he approached the worried girl tenderly.

"Silver! He was playing both of us," Y/n declared as she reached at her neck for a necklace that wasn't there.

"Silver?" Jim said as a weight of betrayal hung over his shoulders. "He said that you were only using me, but that wasn't true," Jim said taken aback.

"And he said that you were using me for my necklace, what does my necklace have anything to do with anything?" Y/n asked looking at Jim who was just as lost as she was.

"He was saying something about a door," Jim remembered, "that your necklace can decide which door connects with the map."

They stayed silent for a moment connecting the pieces to the ongoing puzzle. Jim felt beyond guilty about not trusting Y/n, and Y/n felt even worse about accusing Jim.

Y/n wanted to apologize to him, she wanted to explain herself and her behaviour. She wanted to still be with him, to fly with him and kiss him again. Y/n didn't want to let go of the memories that she had just made with Jim, of them sneaking off and him giving her his jacket.

"I left my bag back with the doctor and Captain," Y/n explained. "It has the journal in it with a blaster and your jacket." Jim looked at her confused in the sense of where she was going with this conversation. "When everything went wrong I grabbed your jacket, it made me feel safe in a way," Y/n explained.

"When we get back I'll grab it for you," Jim reassured. Y/n gave Jim a soft smile just then, but before she could say anything the sounds of the jungle began to sing.

"We better get out of here," Jim said as he placed a hand behind her back, "let's keep walking in this direction to see if there's anything we can find for shelter."

"Right," Y/n said as she walked ahead of Jim. Just then Y/n heard a a wired-like trap go off from underneath her boot, and just like that she was gone.



"Y/N!" Jim called out as he ran towards the noise, that carried Y/n away.

"I-i'm here," Y/n asserted over his head. Jim looked above him to see Y/n dangling in a net.

"Don't worry I'll get you down," Jim said as he looked around to see if there was anything he could use. There was no way to get Y/n down, there was no rope or somewhere he could climb. "Okay, Y/n... You're gonna have to trust me-"

"You didn't trust me five minutes ago!" Y/n stated.

"I know- I was stupid but you're going to have to trust me... And don't move a muscle," Jim said as he positioned himself ready.

"Okay," Y/n said in a quiet voice.

"Close your eyes," Jim said as he pulled out his blaster. Jim pointed the blaster to shoot the top of the net, he held his breath as he aimed. Shooting the rope in one shot, soon Y/n came down from the sky covered in the netting. Jim dropped his blaster and opened his arms to catch Y/n, he grunted as he caught the Y/n who was still twisted in the net.

Just then Jim felt something poke his back, "put the girl down," a deep voice instructed, "both of you, hands up." Y/n and Jim's eyes widen, Jim did as he was told in the hope that it would keep Y/n alive.

"I haven't seen another human in 10 years, how did you get here?" The voice asked. Y/n and Jim's backs were still turned to the man.

"We crash-landed here," Jim said with his hands still in the air. Just then Jim saw his blaster on the floor.

"Show me to your ship," the voice said as he pressed his blaster on Jim's back.

Jim Hawkins x Reader Book 1- Would It Make You Wanna Stay?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz