"Where should we sit? Any empty tables around there?" Danielle asked as you're keeping your head straight but feeling like she'll notice you being all weird so you sighed silently as your eyes began wandering around.

You looked over to your left and there seems to be no tables available and that goes for the back and your front so you turned your head to your right and somehow that was the worst decision you probably made today.

As soon as your eyes looked over to your right, you saw her. Pham Hanni. And to make it more dreadful was that her eyes were locked onto yours but that's not even the worst of the lot. The worst was that not only did you and her looked at each other, but your eyes couldn't help but notice the man sitting across from her.

It broke your already broken self, more and more if it's even possible. But nothing could prepare you for the sight of Hanni and another man, sitting across from her, seemingly enjoying their lunch together.

You saw him, you definitely did and even at that point, pain was never avoidable but even in the midst of all the swirling pain you're feeling in your heart, what you're holding out in your heart for her was just hope. You could only hope that he's being good to her and treats her like she deserved to be treated. Whoever he is.

Seconds felt like eternity as the moment you saw her trying to wave at you, you immediately walked away, breaking away the eye contacts and head's fixed in front.

In the end, you got your lunch as you found your table far from her... and you sat down away from a view of Hanni and the guy she's with while Danielle's across from you.

"Will you be getting on stage again for the next poetry talk session?" Danielle asked as she's getting a small plastic container out from her bag that turned out to be a mix of carrots slices and cherry tomatoes.

"I don't know. Maybe if I have some inspiration then probably yeah I'll get on the stage." You answered as she held out the veggies in front of you. "Want some? They taste good." She chuckled lightly as she offered you some of her veggies.

"I'm... not really a fan of carrots so I'll just have these tomatoes..." You grabbed a couple of the tiny cherry tomatoes before eating one then raising your eyebrows at the taste. "They are good. Wow." You eventually took another few as Danielle's glad that you're enjoying them. "Thanks."

As you're quietly eating your lunch, Danielle got her little notebook out as she turned over a new page and already got a pen on the paper and it seemed like she's in her writing wood as she immediately began writing in her book.

You took a quick glance at her and at times you wondered to yourself, was that how people usually see you when you're writing, probably yes, probably no. She looked so immersed into it and her eyes were glittering with focus as her hand kept on moving.

"Look at you..." You broke your silence as she looked up at you before chuckling slightly before resumed writing. "...It's a nice feeling right?" You leaned back against your seat as her hand slowed down before eventually stopped.

"What is?" She asked as she looked back at you. "The feeling where you're immersed in writing and like nothing else seems to matter at the moment. It's just you and your notebook and the many thoughts in your minds, waiting to be poured out." You answered her. "...did you feel it or is it just me?"

"Probably, there's been times I'm feeling that way." She agreed while the pen in her hand continued moving slowly. "Here..." As soon as she finished, Danielle handed you her notebook. "...I already said that I'll let you read what I wrote before."

"You sure?" You asked as she nodded her head. "You already had lunch with me together and I don't want to go back on my word. Maybe I'm a bit nervous since you're reading it..." Danielle snickered a bit shyly. "You know you don't have to worry..." You accepted the notebook. "...I will not judge." You said as you turned to the first page that she had written.

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