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As always, I am sitting in a rather large dark red, leather chair, surrounded by absolute darkness and oblivion. I look below the chair and gasp. Complete darkness.

Oh shit, am I levitating?

I lower my feet and sigh in relief once I realize that there actually is a floor. I look up, hoping to see a ceiling but instead, there is a faint light gleaming above my head. I reach out to grab the light but I can't. It must be too far to reach, yet it seems so close. I scrunch my face in confusion. How weird is this?

Where the hell am I?, I wonder. Oh my God, am I in hell?

I curse softly under my breath, regretting every single shoplifting incident, every joint, every school fight, every prank on the Langfords...

Wait, scratch that. Those pranks were genius.

Before I could contemplate any longer, the leather chair suddenly does a complete 180 and twirls me around, scaring the living shit out of me.

"Okay, what the actual fu-"

I couldn't even finish my sentence once I got a decent look at what was standing ever so closely in front of me.

I slightly look up to see a man glaring at me. His eyes, resembling burning wood, scorch into me like a torch because his gaze was so intense. Almost too intense. He clenched his teeth together which drew my attention to his chiseled jaw line. His face was framed by tousled, shoulder-length dark brown hair. His olive skin wrapped around his muscular physique all too perfectly.

In other words, he was the epitome of a sex god.

For some reason I couldn't see his facial features, other than the burning eyes; the rest of his face was blurry. Wondering where his shirt was, something popped in my head.

Holy hell, is he naked?

I linger my eyes down to his package to realize that he is wearing black fitted underwear.


My pulsating hormones begin to relax and I try to swallow the ball forming in my throat. This can't be reality, I kept repeating in my head. The man's hands rested on the arms of my chair and he gradually bends down closer to me. He is so close to my face that we could literally Eskimo Kiss.


He lowers his lips to mine and I breathe in his intoxicating smell. Usually, before making out with someone, I at least know their name but in this moment, at this time, with this handsome devil, I need to take any chance I can get.

He grabs my face, hopefully ready to lock lips but, instead, he starts to whisper on my lips.

"Zara," he whispers softly.

"Damn, that sounds so-"

Wait, how the hell does he know my name?

"Zara, wake up," he purrs.

This was progressively getting weirder and weirder but for some reason...I was getting turned on.


I close my eyes, enjoying his sexy voice until he whispers, "Miss Wright."


"Miss Wright, wake up!"

I am rudely brought back to reality with the sound of a wooden ruler slamming down onto my desk, scaring me to death in the process.

"Shit, what was tha-," I curse aloud, and in mid sentence, I get a great view of an angry Mrs. Langford and students giggling at how pathetic I look. My curly hair is all mushed up into a lopsided bun and my eyes feel crusty and dry. My head is throbbing from Talia's crazy blowout last night and taking those shots was probably a mistake. I wipe my hand across my mouth and feel saliva running down my chin. Oh, this is just golden.

I'm a drooler. Sue me.

"Miss Wright, I really do hope you were enjoying your slumber," she sarcastically adds, "but unfortunately, sleeping is not tolerated in my classroom. You should know this rule by now since we are in the second semester of the school year."

Oh, God. I chuckle a little and roll my eyes in her direction, happily pissing her off even more.

She squints her wrinkly eyes in frustration and heads towards her desk, grabbing a small notepad and pen.

As she writes on the notepad, she preaches aloud, "Sleeping in class will not help you pass Physics, especially considering the F that you currently have."

My mouth drops open in shock and the rest of the class murmurs, "ooooooo, buuuurn."

That bitch! Was it really necessary to announce my grade in front of the entire class?

Her face remains cold and serious but her eyes are smiling, letting me know that she is getting a kick out of embarrassing me.

"More importantly, are you even graduating this year? That would be a fortunate surprise for us all."

Who the hell does she think she is? Having authority doesn't automatically give you the right to publicly embarrass me. The nerve of teachers these days.

"That's none of your fucking business, Lameford," I snarl back, earning an even louder "ooooooooohhh!!" from my classmates. I cross my arms and place my feet on top of my desk. Mrs. Langford approaches me once more, rips a paper out of the notepad, and slams it down onto my desk.

"Principal's office, immediately!" she shrieks while glaring at me with cold eyes, clearly trying to frighten me.

Keyword: trying

I stand up and glare right back at her, letting her know that I mean business and her 'death stare' is quite pathetic.

I sling my backpack over my shoulder and nonchalantly spit back, "Gladly."

Finally. I really need a break from Lameford anyways. At least I can sleep in Newman's office. I guess this is a win-win situation.

I reach the door and leave the classroom, but before the door closes I hear Lameford yell, " Tell the principal, or should I say your mother, I said hi."

The door clicks closed and I freeze in place. I then remember that today is my mother's first day as the new principal of Troy High School.

Oh shit.


Heyyy to anyone out there. If you've made it to the end of the first chapter, congrats haha. Tell me if it's amazing. Tell me if it's shitty. Just tell me something. lol I'm not a master in English, even though it's the only language I can fluently speak, so please do not butcher me with my punctuation errors.

Happy Reading,



Fire Meet Gasolineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें