Birthday girl - Part 12

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Friday 21st October 1994, 6:00am, Katie's dorm room

Knock knock KNOCK KNOCK

Katie was awoken by the knocking on her bedroom door, she knew why. Her birthday. She slipped out of her bed, slowly walking over to her dorm door. As she opened it she was bombard.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" The voices of Pansy, Lorenzo, Theo, Blaise, Draco and  Mattheo all shouted. Katie smiled softly as she rubbed her eyes. Pansy was carrying a big bag and Lorenzo also had a smaller bag. Katie sighed as she opened the door for them to come inside.

She said thank you to each of them as they hugged her one at a time. Pansy lay on Katie's bed holding the bag proudly. The boys all stood around her bed, waiting for her to sit beside Pansy. Once she did Pansy shoved the bag into her lap, Katie chuckled.

"Open it!" Pansy exclaimed excitedly
Katie smiled as she opened the bag and pulled out the most beautiful silk dress. It was black, the shimmer of it's stitching in the light made it even more breathtaking. Katie held it in front of her, her eyes wide at it's beauty. She placed it down carefully before wrapping her arms around Pansy and squealing excitedly.

"I love it! Thank you Pans!" Katie exclaimed. Pansy hugged her back tightly, thrilled that she was happy with the dress.

"Mine next!" Lorenzo said as he passed Katie his bag, Katie opened it to find a multitude of items. Inside Lorenzo's gift was a selection of: Chocolate frogs, condoms, a new perfume bottle, a selection of lip glosses, hair ties with bows and a collection of photos. Katie pulled out the photos, they were all photos that were taken of her and her friends over the last few years. They were her favourite thing in the bag.
One photo was taken at Malfoy Manor in Draco's room when they attempted to play beer pong over Draco's bed.
Another photo was of Katie and Pansy being drunkly carried back to Hogwarts one weekend in 3rd year by Theo and Blaise.
A third photo she saw was a photo of Draco and Enzo wearing Pansy's clothes at Malfoy Manor.

Each and every photo captured a different memory of Katie with her favourite people.

"Thank you. This is amazing Enzo, thank you so much" Katie said as she lifted herself up onto her knees to hug Enzo. He smiled as he hugged her back.

"Birthday celebration plans!" Theo announced excitedly. Katie looked at him skeptical of what he might say.
"Unfortunately we do have lessons today, however it is very few and a Friday meaning no lessons tomorrow. So tonight, it's all about you pretty girl. Drinks, music, dancing, boys. The whole thing" Theo told her with a smirk.

"But before any of that, we believe this afternoon your brothers have a surprise for you" Blaise told her softly, he still looked half asleep. Getting up early was not Blaise's favourite thing to do.

"Yeah. But your party will be waiting when you get back to the common room. And before you ask, yes we invited the Red ones" Mattheo said as he rolled his eyes.

"Gryffindors!" Katie corrected him "and thank you, i really appreciate it guys" Katie was incredibly thankful that her friends wanted to celebrate her birthday with her, she just hoped it would be her kind of party. You know, the ones where she didn't watch Theo and Mattheo make out with all the girl and end up with drinks thrown at them.

"We'll leave you to get ready" Blaise said as he kissed the top of Katie's head before heading out the dorm with the others.

Katie watched them all walk out the door, except for Draco who hung around for a moment, her turned and stood in her door way. Looking at her sitting on her bed.
"I know your birthday still feels pretty rough after what happened years ago with your mom, so if you need a break at any point, just tell me. We can sit somewhere quietly for a while, pretend it's a different day, or a different world. Whatever you like" Draco told her kindly in a groggy voice. Katie smiled and nodded gratefully at him.
"Happy birthday Rose" He said with a smile before finally heading out of her dorm and closing the door behind him.

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