Lessons Begin - Part 2

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Friday 2nd September 1994 — 6:30am, Katie's dorm room

Katie rolled over in bed to turn off her alarm. The first day back was always the hardest to wake up for. After the train travel and the unpacking as well as all the excitement surrounding the tournament, Katie was incredibly exhausted. And she bet every other student was too.
She slowly climbed out of her bed, stumbling over and into her bathroom. She turned on her shower and began to examine herself in the mirror as the water heated up.

Her hair was a mess but nothing some warm water couldn't smooth out. She pulled off her pyjamas and placed them on her bathroom laundry basket. She hopped into the shower and felt more awake once the water hit her face.

She decided to do more than wash her hair and body today, she decided to also exfoliate and shave, just to feel great for her first day back.

When she was finished with her shower it was now 7:13, wow 40 minutes in the shower near enough. Regardless it was worth it. She quickly sprinted to her draws in a towel grabbing her undergarments and uniform to put on.

Once dressed Katie styled her hair with a simple half up, half down look, and applied a bubblegum lip gloss to her lips. Her signature scent. She was putting her shoes on as she heard a knock on her dorm room door

"Who is it?" She shouted, whilst tying the lace on her shoe

"It's me, Enzo" Lorenzo called out in response. Katie instantly rushed over to the door with a half done lace, opening the door and smiling up at Enzo

"Good morning" she smiled

"Good morning" he chuckled "ready for breakfast?" He asked

"Yeah, just gotta tie my shoe" Katie said excitedly. As much as everything had happened, she had missed this more than anything.

"Allow me" Enzo said leaning down to tie Katie's shoe. Enzo loved doing the small things for the people he cared about. Such as adding new Chocolate frogs to Blaise's stash as he ran out, or putting Draco's book on his nightstand if he dropped it during the day or even going shopping with Pansy so she could get the approval she secretly craved. Enzo was a big acts of service person.
"All done" he declared as he stood up, extending his arm. "Shall we?"

Katie looked at Enzo's arm for a couple seconds, debating whether or not to take it. In the end she saw no harm in taking it.
"Of course" she replied softly as she took Enzo's arm.

Enzo led her down the stairs into the common room towards the others who were waiting for them.

"Where's Pansy?" Katie asked as she saw Pansy wasn't with the boys.

"Still upstairs as usual" Blaise chuckled with a smirk.

"You can't rush beauty!" Pansy retorted as she rushed down the stairs, her hair perfectly curled and her make up done to perfection she could give muggle models a run for their money.
The group all headed out the portrait hole together, talking along the way.

"I'm so glad the first day back is a Friday, barely any lessons. I only have transfiguration today" Draco exclaimed.

"Lucky you, i've got Transfiguration and Aritchmacy" Mattheo rolled his eyes.

"You aren't alone, i've got muggle studies then Transfiguration" Katie added which made a small smile appear on Mattheo's face but an even bigger smirk appear on Draco's.

"Who are you going to muggle studies with Katie?" Pansy asked linking her arm with Katies.

"I think i'll try and grab Hermione at breakfast, she does Muggle studies too" Katie smiled.

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