Shouting in the Library - part 3

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Friday 2nd September 1994 7:24pm — 3rd Floor

The library was nearly deserted. There were a couple 2nd year Ravenclaws grouped at a table near the entrance, and a 7th year Gryffindor scouring the shelves.

Blaise, Draco and Theo all walked into the Library together, their bags swung over their shoulders. Theo nodded to a large table placed in the back corner of the library near the entrance to the restricted section. All three of them made their way over to it, Theo sitting in the corner, Blaise nearest to the window and Draco with his back to the library door. Theo leant against the wall, throwing his bag on the table causing a crash of quills and books to echo around the room. Madame Pince sent a furious look over in his direction.

Theo smiled innocently as he pulled out his Transfiguration book and some parchment.

"One day, she's gonna ban you" Blaise muttered to him as he also pulled out his own parchment

"She loves me, i bring a bit of edge to her day" Theo answered back, leaning back causing his chair to rely on it's back two legs. Blaise chuckled quietly before dipping his Quill into ink and slowly writing up other research about their Transfiguration lesson.

"I'm going to look for books relating to Guinea Fouls and trans-species transformations" Draco announced as he got up carefully from his seat and headed towards the isles of books around them.

"How are you feeling about being back?" Theo asked Blaise after Draco had left the two of them

"Lets not do this Nott" Blaise muttered as he proceeded to describe the wand movement for the transformation.

"I'm just asking, i'm sure it's difficult being back at Hogwarts after how you and Daphne ended things. Does anyone else know?" Theo asked, resting his hands behind his head

"Not unless she's told other people, otherwise just you" Blaise answered. He sighed before turning his head to look at Theo. "It was a silly fling. It was a couple nights together near the end of the year, nothing serious. I really don't care"

"Sure you don't" Theo said sarcastically "Maybe it was just a few nights, but you had crushes on each other. I'm just wondering if you got over that during summer" Theo shrugged at him before putting his chair back down properly and leaning on the table.

"I got over it pretty quickly" Blaise told him honestly, as he dipped his quill in ink once more.

"That's good then. I didn't fancy the awkward unofficial exes divide this year" Theo smiled as he finally opened his Transfiguration book and began to flick aimlessly through the pages. Theo wasn't really interested in completed research before hand. He continued to aimlessly flick through his book occasionally jotting down random spells on the parchment beside him, until the door to the library opened once more and Katie, Pansy, Mattheo and Lorenzo all walked in making their way over to them.

Mattheo and Lorenzo sat down next to Theo whilst Pansy took the seat next to Blaise and the window. Katie placed her bag on the table and sat down.

"I wouldn't sit there" Theo told her

"Why not?" She asked, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow

"Thats where Malfoy was sitting, he'll be wanting it back" Theo said smirking

"Yeah, well if it bothers him that much he can move me himself" Katie told him as she began rummaging through her bag for her books.

"Is that so?" a husky voice came from behind her. Katie looked up and her eyes met with some bright, grey eyes. He was standing behind the chair looking down at her.

"Yes it is" Katie replied not breaking eye contact. She leant back in the chair and crossed her arms. She smirked at him, which only caused him to smirk back at her. He placed a stack of 5 books on the table before putting his hands on the back of the chair.

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