[- 3. Forgiveness? -]

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As the class finally came to an end, I felt relieved and hopped off my seat, making my way through the crowded halls. I had a few minutes to get to my next class, which was in a different building. I was in a hurry, but I didn't want to get lost, so I tried to find my way as fast as I could.

Suddenly, I was pinned against the lockers by Jared, who appeared out of nowhere. I could feel the cold metal of the lockers against my back, and I made a loud thud. I was confused and annoyed, and I quickly turned to face him.

"What the...?!" I said, looking at Jared with a mix of fear and anger.

He lowered his arm and stepped back, crossing his arms menacingly. "Seems that we've gone on the wrong foot," he said. "I want to be friends with you."

I was taken aback by his sudden change of attitude. Jared was known to be a bully, and I didn't understand why he would want to be friends with me. "Is this because you don't want me to tell on you for being a bully?" I asked.

Jared nodded, confirming my suspicions. I didn't know what to do, but I decided it was better to have him on my side than against me. "Alright, then. Don't make fun of where I came from, and we're good," I said, trying to sound firm.

Jared cracked a smile, and I could see that he was genuinely happy. He then offered to adjust my bag, which was slipping off my shoulder. As he did so, I blushed, feeling a bit embarrassed. I thanked him awkwardly and adjusted my bag.

Jared then asked which class I had next, and I told him it was physics. "I know where that is. It's on the second floor. Come on, I'll get you there." he offered. I was surprised by his kindness, but I didn't want to question it. Jared grabbed my hand gently, and we walked down the hall together.

As we walked, Jared gave me a short tour of the school, pointing out the different classrooms and facilities. I could see that he was proud of his school, and I started to see him in a different light.

When we finally arrived at the physics classroom, Jared let go of my hand and said, "Well, here it is." I was about to enter the classroom when Jared reminded me to say thank you. "No thank you? That's rude," he said. I sighed and turned around, feeling a bit annoyed. "Thanks," I muttered.

Jared nodded, pleased, and headed back to his class. I stood there for a moment, watching him go, feeling a bit confused but also grateful. I found an empty seat and dropped my bag beside it. I sat and waited for the teacher to arrive. It turned out to be Mrs. Kala again. 

I flicked my bangs out of my eyes and stared at her.

Mrs. Kala announced that we had two new students, Alexia Thornsen and Ryker Counterfield. "Well, Students. We have TWO more new students!" 

Alexia stole multiple glances at me as she stood next to our rival, and I could see sweat form on her face. Mrs. Kala asked them to introduce themselves. "Uhm-.. I'm Alexia Thornsen, and I'm Xian's adopted sister... I come from France." Despite her American accent, it was obvious that she was from France. I gestured for her to sit next to me when she was allowed to. 

Ryker Counterfield cracked a slight grin and introduced himself as someone who was born here. "Hello, I'm Ryker Counterfield, and I was born here. I wish to form close bonds with all of you." I scoffed quietly, knowing that he always pretended to act so formal and innocent. A group of girls behind me were squealing to themselves and talking about Ryker. 

I groaned, unable to get his image out of my mind, with his bright maroon eyes and blonde hair...His muscular figure?

"How sweet. Now, You both may take a seat wherever you want." Mrs. Kala said. Alexia hastily sat next to me. As I turned to my side, I saw Ryker staring at me, causing me to flinch at the jumpscare. I quickly looked away, hiding the heirloom in my blazer as I tucked it in, knowing that this was going to be worse than I had thought.

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