[- 2. School Day -]

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I stole a glance at the group of students on my left, then turned to my right to see another group. I tucked my hand into my pocket and pulled out a piece of paper with my class name written on it - 1-2. I figured it was on the first floor since I was right in front of it. As I walked into the classroom, my stomach was in knots, and I sighed. I found an empty seat and walked towards it, but then I was stopped by a tall random brunette.

"I own this seat, I'm Jared Smith and everyone knows that."

"Mhm, looks like we have a Disney bully. Boy, get out my face-" I pushed him aside. He scoffed as I set my things down and kicked his backpack away. As soon as I sat down, he grabbed my bangs forcefully and made me face him.

"W-...What the hell?!" I said, staring into his captivating tropical green eyes. We caused a small scene in the classroom and all eyes were on us.

"Listen to me. If you talk back to me, I'll make your life a living hell," he said. I glared at him and got a slap across his face. He'd let go of my hair, causing me to fall back down onto my chair. I stared at Jared who was on the floor.

"I did, I just didn't care," I said with a bland expression, pulling out my notebook and writing in it. Jared growled at me and got up. He took his bag, went to find another seat, and talked with his friends, most likely talking shit about me.

A while after, the teacher finally came in. She cleared her throat and began to speak.

"Good morning, everyone. Today, we have a new student with us. Xian Thornsen, why don't you stand up and introduce yourself?" She reached her hand out towards me, gesturing me to stand up. I stood up looking around the classroom.

"I'm Xian Thornsen. I'm from China, and my family migrated here," I said. The teacher nodded her head and continued to talk as I sat back down.

"Wonderful. Well, Xian, I am your new teacher, Mrs. Kala," she said, giving me a welcoming smile. "You came on a lucky day. Today, we'll be reviewing the subjects we learned throughout the year." I saw all the students take out their books, but I looked for mine in my bag and realised I didn't have it. I raised my hand.

"Yes, Xian?" Mrs. Kala asked.

"Mrs. Kala, I do not have my workbook," I said, slowly thrusting my hand into my pocket as I stared into my teacher's eyes.

"Oh! Oh dear. That shouldn't be right. I'll be right back, class," she said, grabbing her papers and bag. She left the classroom. I turned to my left to see Jared again. I glared at him, but he just smirked and took out a book from his bag.

"Looking for this, ya dipshit?" he said, waving my workbook in front of me. My eyes widened in shock. He had my workbook. As I stood up from my seat, I pointed at my workbook.

"Give that back!" I demanded. Jared grinned ear to ear.

"You want this workbook back?" he asked, and I nodded. "Here ya go!" he said, throwing my workbook right into my face, causing me to fall back down onto my seat. I grunted as I got back up to see him howling back in laughter, alongside his friends who also laughed.

"Pirate-talking bitch," I muttered, grabbing my workbook and sitting back up straight. His throw had left a significant red mark on my face, but I chose to ignore it and his and his gang's laughter. I scoffed, rolling my eyes back. I took out the pencil case my uncle had prepared for me, zipped it back up, and put it back into my backpack.

After a while, Mrs. Kala returned with her books wrapped around her arms.

"Sorry, I- Oh! You've found your book, Xian?" she asked.

"Well, Jared Collin Smith over here had my book and threw it right into my face," I explained, looking back at Jared who looked terrified. Mrs. Kala slowly turned to him with a glare.

"Jared, what do you say?" she asked sternly. Jared rolled his eyes back, turned to me, and muttered, "I'm...I'm sorry." Mrs. Kala nodded her head and took out her phone.

"Thank you. But I'm still going to have to call your parents," she said.

"Oh, come on! What is this, 2nd grade?!" Jared complained. I watched Jared and Mrs. Kala argue as I opened my workbook and began to write in it. This is going to be a long school day, I thought to myself.


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