Arc l: Redemption (Chapter 1)

Start from the beginning

Or gifted.

"I suppose I could try it out. . . It isn't like they would care much anyways. And papa sure wouldn't notice." He thought out loud with a grimace, his gaze dragging towards the curtained wall at the back of the lab. His gaze softened ever so slightly, like he was subtly hesitating. He quickly looked away, pushing a sudden thought from his head, no time for such nonsense. He couldn't just stay in a place that didn't appreciate his work. . . He made a face of determination.

It was decided then. He would go back, and bring his most impressive tech along with him. The rest he could either return for or leave for them to use for whatever nonsense they so choose.

He ignored the dull buzz in the back of his mind telling him that this wasn't a good idea.


Quite few hours passed, and the others were all asleep in a turtle pile by splinters-over 15 year old-worn down recliner. Donnie snuck out of the lab, holding a few pieces of tech, along with the bug buster case. He walked towards the exit to the lair, glancing at his sleeping brothers on his way. His face fell for a moment, eyes going misty before he immediately shook his head and snapped out of it. It didn't matter now, he already decided this. They wouldn't notice, or if they did they wouldn't care. He was only useful here for his tech, anyways.

He made a small grimace of resentment-or was it jealousy?-as he glanced at the chair and turned his head forward once more.

He continued out of the sewers, climbing out of the manhole and walking along the alleyways. Trudging a long the worn down asphalt of the concrete ground from the countless uses of people. People bustling to work or clubs, people on their way to school or a new restaurant that was about to open, and now him, who was running away with no intention of permanent return. He continued to ignore the buzz of the voice in the back of his mind, no matter how much it tried yelling, no matter how much it got louder as he neared the construction site where the last portal was made. Perhaps the remnants of last time still stood and he wouldn't need to use the hotel. If he was doing this, he'd have to go straight to her true lair, not some busy human infested hotel to wait for hours on end. He continued towards the still in progress construction wall that they had previously used to enter the yokai realm, tracing the symbol as best as he could remember and opening the gate. He was doing this. . . He was actually doing this. Was this a mistake. . ? Why was he so nervous now? No, no he doesn't have time for that. He doesn't have time for hesitation or regret. He needs this, he deserves this. It's for him.

He took a breath, and leaped in, the gate closing almost instantaneously behind him.


He walked the streets of the yokai realm, his tech in hand and held close to his chest as he made his way towards big Mama's Nexus. He used a map to locate it, though it took longer than anticipated due to it being a mystic realm. Obviously he did not have mystic technology. He was eventually able to locate the Nexus, and entered via the main gate. He was mildly confused as to why the guards didn't stop him. Perhaps they just didn't care, or they were asleep.

He carefully traversed through the halls, which were essentially spotless, adorned with paintings and murals and other elaborate decorations lining the walls. There were little tables holding a single potted plant on them, each nearly identical to the last. Goddy as it may be, it seemed to come together beautifully upon closer inspection. The paintings seemed old, but well kept, and the frames looked as if they were dusted on the daily. It was fresh, it was clean. He quite liked it, in fact. It fit perfectly with the spider woman's theme. Colours that usually clashed horribly seemed to come together seamlessly to create interesting works of art. The floors never clashed with the walls, and the patterns weren't too much. He had to admit, the woman had a knack for decoration.

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