Damien: Oh My Darling. I wish I could just Slit your pretty face apart.

He sweetly cooed while cupping your face. Scared was an understatement. You palmed the pendent in your neck as he Left your face and turned his back to you. . . . .

The moment you touched Your pendent you remembered What Damien said yesterday in car.

Y/n: "I'll tell You everything if You found your Pendent ".

Damien was Confused to hear you, He turned around to Look at you, "What The Fcking Hell-". He was cut off by a realisation as His Eyes landed on the pendent.

Y/n: I Brought it back, Now P-Please tell me, Why You took me to Berlin ?

Damien: You think You can question me ? Do you want your Bones broken ?

Y/n: Damien Please, I'll take Your every Bruise, Every Pain , Every Torture You want to give me but Please T-tell me.

Damien: ShutUp Whor-

You kneeled and grabbed his foot, begging him to tell the truth. Because You know There's No way Damien Would take you to Berlin for no reason. You needed to know the Truth.

Y/n: Please,I beg you D-damien, Just tell me What happened and I-I'll be Your slave Just like I Used to be, I promise I won't even shed a tear, I'll take Every Slap quitely-

Damien: Your Grandparents.

Your eyes shot up to his Dark emotionaless eyes, He kicked you Away to free his leg . . . .

Damien: They Died, I heard It was a Bulgury, He choked em' with his hand. Such a Suffocative Death.

Your Whole World Crumbled. You stood up, unable to accept it. Your Grandparents we're your Only Family Left, All those years, You endured all the torture just with the hope to meet em' one Day. while Damien Couldn't stop smirking, He remembered the Day when He choked that Old Couple right in front of you, You couldn't even Do anything because you we're under high Drug influence. His heart Flattered Remembering That Old Couple begging to let you go instead of caring about their life. He covered the The perfect crime and Even shed fake tears at their funeral pretending He just got there with you. He carried you around on wheelchair saying You are Paralysed but actually you we're under High Drug Influence, Temporarily lost All senses to figure out what's happening around, Hence You Don't remember You Even Went to Berlin.

Y/n: No. You're lying!! I-it can't be true. Don't Lie Damien.

Damien: I took You to Berlin at their funeral. Now You know everything okay !

Y/n:W-Why ? Who could do-

"Me, The Damien Lutherson, I did it, That Fcking old Tarts thought, They could Take you Away from me by Filling Custody Request in Court". He thought to himself, He wanted to kill em' again if he could.

Damien: I told You everything, Now Be a Good Whor-

Before He Could complete his sentence, A vase Hit his head, Shattering into air. . . .
He looked down at you with Surprise.

Y/n: How Dare You to do that?

Never,In 38 Years of Life He must have thought This moment will come.
The girl Who never spoke in front of him without shuttering, Slapped him .

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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