Strapon Nightmares

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Amanda woke up topless the day after with her son sobbing hysterically into her bare breasts as he clung tightly to her. She blinked in surprise as she took the place in and smiled, rubbing Zach's back.

"Oh, hey, hey there little man, why are you crying?" She asked, knowing why.

Zach took a long while to calm himself down, his face flush red and his frame seemingly smaller than before.

"Uh, yeah, I ended up with him being younger than before, sorry," Amanda heard La whisper to her from the recesses of her mind, pleased with herself.

"I don't mind, he's perfect now," Amanda told her partner as she rocked her son to calm him quicker. "Mommy's here, mommy's got you. Did you have a nightmare?" She asked her son.

"Uh-huh," Zach replied after a good while. Trying to convince himself that it indeed was a nightmare. It had to be right?

"What happened?" Amanda questioned with a small kiss. "If you wanna tell that is. If not you can just have your num nums and we can stay in bed all day. It's our holiday week after all," she cooed.

Zach remembered. They had left for the tropical island or something...he had fallen asleep in her arms at the airport so mommy must've carried him over here. "Had bad dweam..." he began. "Was big boy then Mommy, and was bad."

"Big boy?" Amanda questioned.

"Uh huh, like a man...but I'm still a boy so how can I be a man?" He questioned.

"It's a dream," Amanda reminded him, rocking the boy. "So what happened in the dream?"

"I was bad," tears formed in his eyes. "Really really bad. And Mommy took me from jail and you were like...suuuper angwy at me. Said I did something really mean to a girl...and how you'll teach me to wespect women..." his words were babyish now Amanda just squeezed him tight.

"And- Mommy took me home...but not our home, like a scawy home and mommy tied me up and whooped me. Like with a scary whip they use on naughty big boys and girls. And I cwied and cwied and mommy just kept beating me and beating me and beating me. An- and then mommy put on a big huge pee pee and said she'll show me what it's like...and mommy started pushing it into my bummy." He was crying hard now.

"That wasn't you," Amanda rocked her son and kissed him on his forehead.

"Well, it won't be him for a few years," La smirked, yawning. "You sure you don't wanna peg him? It's fun, he squeals like a pig in heat."

"No thanks, I'd rather be his mother," Amanda frowned, letting him latch onto her breasts as he nursed. "Though I'm guessing this counted towards a severe punishment for his sins?"

"Oh one of them, a tiny portion, yes." La smiled. "I fucked him for seven hours and flogged his ass to ribbons. He is a fine screw when he's an adult, Amanda. I had him eat me out for hours..."

"Eww! As me?" Amanda shook her head.

"Would you rather I take a different form for his reflections?" La laughed.

"Please do, I would prefer he sees me as his mother figure, not a torturer of any kind." She kissed her son as he slowly nursed, his world coming back to focus. "But I don't need to spank him every day right?"

"You will have to twice over the next two weeks. Or you can him aged up for another round of assfucking from my end."

"Just like this? He sees it as a dream at the end?" Amanda liked the agreement she now had with La. Have her deal with his big boy molestation crimes and have her deal with comforting him after.

"Oh he would be a bit raw and clingy...though you like him clingy, don't you Mommy?"

"I do," Amanda smiled as she guided her son to her other breast. Zach drank for a good while, falling asleep again.

"Oh you're up," Zachary woke up as a man, strapped to a whipping horse with his ass thrust up in the air as his eyes frantically looked around. A strong Amazonian woman, beautiful and terrifying grinned at him, her teeth sharp and long and vampirish and stroking a thick strap-on dildo. "I think it's time for round four..."

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