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Chapter 1

I picked up this novel because the previous translator hadn’t released a chapter for a long while. However, while I was promoting the novel, the previous translator has continued their translation again. Since I’ve already begun a stockpile of chapters, I’ve decided to go ahead and post my translations anyway. Enjoy!


There are Four Heavenly Gates of Wulin: Dongfang (East), Nangong (South), Ximen (West), and Beitang (North).

They are the Sect Masters of the Wulin whose power can turn over the world. Yet no one knew the extent of their reach. The Sect Masters of this generation were Dongfang Xi, Nangong Yan, Ximen Yue, and Beitang Ao.

Dongfang Xi was unrestrained. He was only interested in seeking flowers and did not care about the affairs of the Eastern Sect.

Nangong Yan was mature, stable, careful, responsible, and the leader of Tianmen. 

Ximen Yue had an arrogant temperament, domineering temper, and always ignored the affairs of the Western Sect. People had a hard time learning his thoughts.

Beitang Ao was cold, had an arrogant temperament, was deep and unpredictable in the political sphere, and was strict about the affairs of the Northern Sect. Although he was ruthless, his actions were structured.

This New Year, the Four Heavenly Gate Sect Masters gathered in Jianjing to celebrate the annual festival which was rare.

It only happened because there was a big happy event this year.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Six months ago, Beitang Ao, the Sect Master of the Northern Gate who was sent to inspect the northern part of the Tianmen returned with not only quelling the rebellion in the north but also with his fiancée, Lin Yanyan.

Olc Tjcsjc kjr Dflajcu Cb’r mberlc. Ktf akb tjv cba rffc fjmt batfg obg wjcs sfjgr jcv wfa jujlc lc atflg cbgatfgc tbwfijcv.

Cwbcu atf Mbeg Lfjnfcis Xjafr, bcis Rjcubcu Tjc kjr wjgglfv ktlif atf batfg atgff kfgf ralii rlcuif.

Fcfzqfmafvis, atf sbecufra ja 22 sfjgr biv, Dflajcu Cb, kjr fcujufv ktlmt kjr j tjqqs fnfca lc Kljcwfc. 

The annual banquet was another engagement banquet for Beitang Ao. Nearly two hundred people gathered, and the spirit was high.

The entire annual banquet began at noon and lasted until the evening, but these men who had toiled for a year did not have the will to stop.

Beitang Ao sat high on the Tianmen seat of honor with Lin Yanyan, drinking alongside the other three brothers.

A faint smile appeared on the face that had always been cold and arrogant because his sweetheart occupied his lingering eyes. 

Several tables away sat the senior leaders of each Sect. At one of the tables near the side of the hall was Yan Feili.

“General Yan, why don’t you drink?” Hua Xiangyan of the East Gate was sitting in the front; but when he turned around he noticed that the first general of the North Gate, Yan Feili, sat alone in an inconspicuous corner. Hua Xiangyan thought that Yan Feili was trying to avoid alcohol, so he took over the wine glass and made up his mind to punish Yan Feili with two glasses. After a closer look, he found that Yan Feili’s handsome face was pale, ugly, and terrifying.

“General Yan, your complexion is not good, are you unwell?”

Yan Feili smiled, “I’m fine, I’m just a little drunk. General Hua should ignore me and drink more with our brothers!” Although he said that, Hua Xiangyan didn’t think he was drunk. 

Yan Feili as a military commander was generous, gentle, and quite popular among the Four Heavenly Gates, but just a little reserved and unnoticeable.

“General Yan, if you are uncomfortable, I’ll go and ask the Sect Master of the North Gate to let you leave and rest soon!” Hua Xiangyan said such a thing because Yan Feili’s pale forehead was sweating like he was enduring great pain.

Yan Feili felt that the pain in his body was getting worse, making it more and more unbearable. He raised his head and looked around but saw Beitang Ao picking up a piece of mooncake and putting it into Lin Yanyan’s bowl with a faint smile.

Any outsiders would look at them and feel that the two were affectionate. They were a pair of peerless couples. 

There was a sharp pain in Yan Feili’s heart! Although he knew it was not possible, he still had evil thoughts about that person.

How many times had he wanted to break off his undesirable feelings that long been rooted in love? His heart was entangled. How can he solve it? How can he break it? Yan Feili only felt the constant pain in his body and heart as if he was going to die.

At the annual banquet that lasted all evening, the man of honor never looked at Yan Feili from beginning to end. Yan Feili could endure the physical torture but not the affection between that person and his sweetheart.

Taking a deep breath, Yan Feili suppressed the pain in his body and smiled at Hua Xiangyan, “Then I will trouble General Hua.” 

Then Yan Feili stood up slowly but he staggered along the way.

Hua Xiangyan hurriedly stepped forward to support him, “General Yan, are you okay? Otherwise, I’ll send you back.”

“No, I don’t want to ruin the mood for General Hua.”

Yan Feili supported his body under the windbreaker and smiled bitterly, “It looks like I am drunk. If I let General Hua take me back, I’m afraid I will be laughed at by my brothers tomorrow. I don’t think the general has to go and let the Sect Master think that I am lightweight. I will lose face then. I will leave by myself.” 

He pushed away Hua Xiangyan’s scented hand, straightened his back, turned to hide in the shadow, and withdrew. Out of the main hall, passing through a few long corridors, Yan Feili could still see the servants who were busy serving food.

Turning around the main courtyard, Yan Feili walked through a few courtyards to the north where the remote Bamboo Garden was in his line of sight yet he couldn’t bear the pain anymore. He staggered and leaned against the courtyard wall beside him.

“Hmm…” The suppressed groan escaped his mouth.

Yan Feili was sweating profusely, and the pain was unbearable. He arched his body, pressing his hands on the towering abdomen hidden under the black windbreaker. 

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