"Can you transport people to Natenheim?"

Heimdall looked like he was thinking about the question. "No one's ever asked that before. But, if it is you wanting to travel there, I see no problem in letting you go. You three already about the secret of that world."

"That'd be amazing!" I remarked.

"I also have another question."

Loki groaned.

"Shut up!" I told him. "About the BiFrost-"

"You are wondering why it only took a few days for it to regain its 'charge'. Well, it didn't at first, but considering how much power you have, it instantly brought all three of you here. Naturally, the charge would've taken months or maybe even years to regain, considering it was broken by Thor's hammer, but the charge isn't complete yet. We were lucky to have been able to bring you all back safe and sound."

Loki grunted.

"Thank you so much for answer my questions, though, I'm just really confused about all of this-"

Suddenly, guards in armor, similar to Natenheim's guards' armor, showed up. It had to be at least a few dozen, and I knew what they were here for.

Thor gently grabbed my arms but I made no motive to protest.

"Just for precaution," he whispered as they put Loki in handcuffs and shackled his feet while attaching both things to a 'neck-chain' type thing. He was looking at me like 'why the hell aren't you fighting against them' but I would talk with him later.

I could just become invisible and go into the dungeons. But Thor did say that he'd do everything in his power for me to see Loki in the dungeons, so as of noe I'm just going to take Thor's word.

They took him away and I watched with close eyes. He hung his head low and made no move to protest as I did. I guess he knew he wouldn't win.

I then wondered something else.

Would they come for me?

Because of Odin's infamous grudge, would he put me in the dungeons too? Maybe he secretly liked me, just doesn't like my mom. I still have to find out why he hates her.

I'll probably pursue that on my trip to Natenheim. It won't likely be soon, given that I'm planning on staying her for a while.

As long as Odin allows it.

Loki was dragged away from the dome-like building as we all watched. Thor didn't let go of my arms until he was out of sight.

"Am I allowed to follow?"

"Honestly?" Thor asked, "It wouldn't be smart, but you could. Make sure Odin can not see you."

"I don't plan on it." I murmured.

"Azeli, I'm going to help the Warriors Three and Sif in Vanaheim, would you like to come with me?"

I thought about it for a few seconds. I shrugged. "Maybe. When are you leaving?"


"Oh, well, I guess I'll stay here and wait for you when you get back." I told him.

Thor nodded in agreement before I did the same to Heimdall.

"Again, thanks for answering my questions. Answers seem to be hard to come by these days." I smiled.

He nodded and I focused my eyes on Heimdall's sword before appearing in the middle of the 'throne' room. At least, that's what it looked like.

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