The Red Devil: Part 1

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Emiya rubs the pack of his neck. "Heh, I hope so." He looks at Rin playing in the distance. The child waves at him, he smiles waves back in return. Really, if some of his friends could see him right now...

16 Years in Adoption.


An arrow hissed as it was loosed from the bow. It flew so fast that the human eye cannot follow it in any way.


It hit the center of the target. And then another arrow was loosed once more. It hit the center again, and again, and again. It never missed, unsurprising as it was shot by Shirou Emiya himself, former lapdog of the planet and certified kyoudo practitioner.

Emiya sat at the bench of his backyard as he drank water after his practice. It was Sunday afternoon, Rin is hanging out with her friends which means that he had the house all to himself.

After doing all of the conceivable chores in his relatively large house, he decided to pick up a practice bow and started shooting at his personal target.

Unlike the archery style he mostly uses, kyoudo is not geared towards combat. It is a method of meditation, a way to achieve precision with peace of mind.

Everything is to be done methodically, from the nocking to the release of the arrow, everything is to be done with elegance and dexterity. The priority is not to hit the target, it is to conquer yourself and purge all the negative emotions inside of you, a perfect shot is surely to follow after that.

He started practicing again years ago, when he bought his house, he also bought an archery target along with a traditional Japanese bow. Rin have always wondered on why he never misses, he simply said that he practiced a lot, which is half-true ofcourse.

Emiya stood up after his break. He dismissed all the projected arrows he used and returned the bow back to his shed. It was dark now, Rin might come home sooner or later. It was time to cook dinner.

After taking a bath, the former guardian opened his fridge and took some ingredients from it. He was cooking curry tonight, it was his daughter's favorite. He started slicing the ingredients while he lit off the stove.

A few minutes later he finished cooking. He served the food on the table, fully satisfied with his work. But he was not done yet, he could not judge anything by himself in terms of cooking. He needed a taster, said taster happened to be Rin Emiya.


Emiya heard the sound of a doorbell. "It's probably Rin." He wipes his hands with a towel. "Coming!" Emiya hurries through the door and opens it.

There, he saw a beautiful but strange woman smiling at him. She has long black hair and blue eyes, she wore a long red tight-fitting expensive ball dress and a black fuzzy scarf, she felt HORRIBLY familiar in Emiya's eyes. "Wh-what do you need?" He stutters.

"Is this the Emiya household?" She asks while smiling.

"Yes, it-!" Suddenly, he felt that something was odd, he smelled something in the air, the smell of a magus. His formerly dormant battle instincts suddenly goes full throttle.

He steps back to increase his distance from the woman. "Trace on!" he projects Kanshou and Bakuya. "State your name and intentions, magus!" He points the swords at the now identified magus.

"Fufufu~" She giggles. "How rude of me, allow me to rectify the misunderstanding." She says as she flips her hair elegantly. "My name is Rin Tohsaka, Wizard Martial."

She pulls out a small star-shaped gem from nowhere and starts filling it with energy. "As for my intentions: Can't an old friend just visit from time-to-time?"

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