CHAPTER I.VIII: Incapable of magic

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TIP 92: Avoid telling people where you're coming from. Even if you're telling them that you are not, in fact, from their realm, don't share them where you're resided, in case they too may discover the secrets to travelling the Multiverse.

The decision has been made. With a swift motion and a raised eyebrow from Schlatt, you quicken to the room you were given that day, grabbing the bag in which your stuff is hidden. Your eyes scan the contents, ignoring the Devortuna that's staring you right in the face and the sets of clothes you'd taken of when you arrived here first. There, the LORS is, begging you to open it, its mystical legends singing to your always-listening ears. Spells, magic, things that shall never not be beyond your comprehension.

And, when you open the book, your eyes are blinded by the many symbols flashing before your eyes: symbols of another reality, a reality that you are not currently a part of.

"Y/N? What are you doing?" the anxious voice of Tommy, seemingly alarmed by a sound that you cannot hear, interrupts, and you look over your shoulder to see the boy watching your book with his mouth wide open. "What's that?"

"It was given to me by XD," you lie quickly, having decided to play into that role as much as you can, so any other off behaviour won't be irrational. "I want to help your friend, and this book might have some answers."

"Might?" Schlatt now appears as well, looking at you sceptically, and you sigh, biting on your inner lip.

"You have to understand that I do not have all the knowledge of XD, nor have I read through this book very often." That is true. "But I want to see if I can find something. Anything."

And thusly, you start leafing through the pages, the words speaking to you, not noticing the way the pages shine, hypnotizing Tommy in the process. And eventually, you end up on a page, one specifically about health.

In case of a disease, there are several easier ways of dealing with it: a potion, a spell, or a ritual. All of these methods involve magic. An individual incapable of magic, thusly, shall not succeed.

Tommy has come to sit next to you, and Schlatt stands behind you, mumbling how he can't read the fucking language with which the text is written, though neither you nor Tommy has any problem doing it. Tommy seemingly doesn't dare taking the book into his own hands, instead reading over your arm, his eyes admiring the light.

The first method, a potion, is the one easiest to prepare, since it doesn't need magic as much and only needs the ingredients and a few words said by a witch for it to truly work, as will be described down below. First, these are the ingredients that you'll have to use:

The book continues describing a normal list of ingredients, which you can also imagine in a list of ingredients for carrot cake or something. However, there are some that... stand out to you. These include, but are not limited to:

A drop of blood from a wound inflicted by a weapon of XD"; Powder from a diamond of a royal; Dog shit; A dead cornflower

"Oh, we can find all of those, right!?" Tommy excitedly smiles, seemingly not realizing the literal dogshit that's written there. "I mean, dead cornflowers are everywhere in Bad's empire, so I can just ask him to take one with him when he visits. I'm sure Sam can get some of those diamonds, Technoblade has a dog, and you're an angel of XD! He has given you something, right? And if he hasn't, he will, not?"

You just smile, continuing to read, as you ignore his enthusiasm.

A spell is another possibility, but it has to be spoken by a great and experienced sorcerer. Someone who knows what they're doing. The spell has to be spoken during a full moon, and the words correctly, and no one else must be near while the spell is spoken, excluding the one on whom it will be used. The sorcerer must have enough energy to fight in a war, because the spell will need a lot of their energy.

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