CHAPTER I.IV: The only one to see the truth

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TIP 23: If you see it, look the other way.

The words of Wilbur's insanity are repeated over and over again in your mind, as you think of the so-called symbols he seemingly obsesses over. You know that it's far-fetched, but is there a possibility that it has something to do with the same symbols you found in the LORS?

Carefully you start walking next to Wilbur, much to Sally's surprise, and decide to do what no sane person would do. "What are you looking for, sire? I meant, what were you looking for?" Could it be seen as enabling? "I'm simply curious." You send Sally an apologetic look, though he doesn't freak out at all, surprisingly enough. He just stares at you. In his eyes you find a mischievous twinkle, suppressed by something you can't recognize to begin with.

"Are you an angel, here to save me from these demons?" he then gasps, suddenly bursting out in laughter as he throws his arm around your shoulder, whispering in your ear: "Please, say so. They all call me insane, yet I'm the only one to see the truth!" Startled, you don't respond, as you see Niki out of the corner of your eyes keep her attention on him, most likely in case he does do something unacceptable. However, you don't think they can clearly hear what he's telling you.

"I don't come from Heaven or anything, no," you truthfully say, without implying you come from this universe. "But you were looking for something, no? Symbols? Something else?"

Sally looks intensely at your calm demeanour and the way you speak to him, which you must say feels natural, ever since Jared's own madness. And oddly enough, he doesn't seem to react to you badly, despite the weird vibes you get from him. Or well, not from him, but from the energy that seems around him. You can't quite explain it. "I was looking for the truth. I need to know how I am to know whom to trust and who is a doppelgänger. I have been deceived for too long, and finally, I shall take back the power!" He makes dramatic gestures and movements, at which Niki grabs him by the shoulder and continues leading him further, saying how we shouldn't scare away our guests

You, meanwhile, have no clear idea of what symbols he meant. Is it truly possible that it's the same ones you find everywhere in your book? Maybe you should try and ask him sometime when you're sure it won't be harmful and just ask him to draw it.

"It always saddens me to see him like that," Tommy says as he comes walking next to you, avoiding eye contact, his voice shaking a little. "I feel like I'm grieving someone who's still alive."

"Yeah, I know what you mean," you mumble, the pain you feel towards Jared's own problems. "But hey, I'm sure he'll get better."

"Better?" Technoblade scoffs. "He's only gotten worse. Last time he at least still recognized Tommy, now he's just talking about angels and demons and symbols or whatever. I don't even think he knows who Sally is anymore."

"He doesn't," Sally confirms as she looks right in front of her, her face remaining stoic. "He thinks I'm a witch. He thinks I'm evil. Doesn't even call me Sally anymore: he changes the name every time."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Your Highness," Sam says, taking off his hat, and Sally shakes her head, sighing.

"As I said, it's not my duty to love him. It's my duty to take care of him and the country." Despite her saying that, you can hear the pain in her voice, since it's just as strained as yours would be, whenever you'd speak about Jared's problem.

For a moment, you startle, as you feel Jake, who had been sleeping in the pocket of your jacket up till now, moving a little, but you just put your arm over the fabric where he is, hoping to silence him thusly. Of course, without killing him.

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