CHAPTER I.VI: I am a commoner

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"I will tell you the truth, but... wouldn't it be unfair if I were the only one to give up a secret?" For a few seconds, Jared just stares. Until he laughs, scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

"Well, you got me there, huh?" He continues laughing for a bit, the sound being a relieving contrast to the sore throat your Jared has had, which you can hear in his voice. "How did you know I had a secret to hide?"

"I didn't. Though, it's rather unusual for someone in your time period to be a 'man of science'. To be fair, you're a priest, so you can write and read, and thusly are allowed and capable of translating Greek texts, but people around this time tend to be rather quick at coming to conclusions, since chaos isn't really something the human mind can comprehend."

Jared laughs, humming. "I suppose you really aren't from around here, huh? Let me tell you something, Y/N," he smiles, coming closer and lowering his voice, whispering in your ear. "Witchcraft and science are synonymous on these grounds, though, I, a man of science, can assure you that they are not the same."

"Witchcraft isn't a real thing, though, is it? I mean, I've once heard this story about an epidemic of paranoia that lead to many prosecutions of witches, though, according to... other people, it all was said to be the result of a certain plant that lead people to hallucinate and such. And of course, what easier way to kill someone than by accusing them of witchcraft?"

"I don't know where you come from, but witchcraft is as real as science is. What do you think I practice?" With a hum, he gets closer to your face. "I'm a witch, Y/N. Just as I consider myself a scientist, and a man of faith. Why be one when you can be all?" His tone of voice is odd, much different than the carefree words your lover would speak. But that makes sense, considering the life he must live, desperately trying to hide his magic, in this kingdom filled with paranoia towards the magical. "But you're really not from here, huh? Do you come from one of the... kingdoms? Is that what you call them? You know, the ones that the explorers found in the West."

"No, I, uh, I actually don't come from this... world at all." His eyes swirl with confusion. The moment you realize you're about to tell him, you lower your voice almost to a breath. "You have to know that what I'm about to tell you, Jared, isn't insanity, nor a lie. I'm not from this world."

"So, what? You're from one of the stars? From a realm, where XD resides in? An angel, of some sorts?"

"No, I'm not an angel. Nor do I come from a place where any god lives. No, I'm as mortal as you are. I come from... the future, in a sense. Well, not exactly, but... I come from a place where the science and technology is much more advanced. And with that technology-" was it technology, though? Or perhaps magic as well? "-I managed to create something that allows me to travel through different universes, different realms."

You see the way he looks at you. Questioning your words, trying to process what you just said, finding a lie in your truthful sentences.

"Trust me, the existence of a multiverse – multiple universes – was just as groundbreaking to me as it is to you. There are some things we simply cannot prove nor disprove as mortals, but those who do find the boundaries of knowledge are considered to be madmen, right?"

Jared receives your smile, humming as he nods. "You're right, you're right. I suppose it all does make more sense than you fitting... in here." The two of you fall in a comfortable silence, smiles both plastered on your face. "I won't tell anyone, Y/N."

"I will take your secret to my grave too, Jared."

A carriage brings you back to Tommy's mansion, where a servant brings you to one of the many rooms in the house. The room has a desk in the middle where Tommy sits, making notes or sketches, with Sam and Technoblade being present as well, talking while playing some game you don't recognize.

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