Chapter 4:An Unforgiving Reality

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     Isabel's POV

"We're screwed," Riley muttered, his face etched with worry as he stared at his phone. "They found out we're missing," he added, his tone heavy with concern. "My dad's going to kill me."

I couldn't help but feel responsible for the situation. "I'm so sorry, Riley," I said, my voice filled with remorse. "We didn't mean to put you in trouble."

Meng and I quickly huddled together, brainstorming a plan to minimize the consequences. "I have an idea," I suggested. "How about Riley goes home, and Meng and I return to the academy? They wouldn't know you were the one that brought us here."

Riley hesitated at first, clearly torn, but after some convincing from both of us, he finally relented. "Fine," he said with a sigh. "But I'll have to give you guys my crest for protection, so you can pass the barrier."

We agreed, and he promptly booked us an Uber. "Take them straight to the academy," he instructed the driver, who nodded in acknowledgment.

Before parting ways, Riley kissed Meng on the lips. "Riley confessed he likes me," Meng gushed with a playful giggle.

"That's great news," I replied, feeling genuinely happy for her. "Today was so much fun. I wish we could do it again."

Our Uber ride soon brought us back to the academy. By this time, Meng had fallen fast asleep. The academy was situated on the outskirts of the town, and we managed to get past the guards by showing them Riley's crest.

Upon returning to my room, we were met with an unexpected sight. My heart sank as I saw Prof Miller, Jared, and Noah standing in front of the room, their expressions a mix of worry and anger. Our adventure had not gone unnoticed, and now we had to face the consequences of our actions.

As Prof Miller walked past us without saying a word, his silent treatment was eerie, and it sent a shiver down my spine. Meng and I had anticipated a stern lecture, prepared to listen to him scold us for our reckless actions. But he didn't utter a single word. His silence was more terrifying than a reprimand, as it left us in a state of suspense and anxiety.

However, the silence was short-lived. Noah and Jared quickly approached us, their expressions etched with anger, and they were far less forgiving than Prof Miller.

Jared was the first to speak, his voice stern and his gaze unwavering. "Do you have any idea how dangerous it was what you two did?" he snapped. "You could've put yourself and everyone here at risk."

Noah chimed in, his disappointment clear in his voice. "We were worried sick when you didn't return," he scolded. "You both acted without thinking, and it's unacceptable."

Meng and I exchanged guilty glances, fully aware of the gravity of our actions. We had put the safety of the entire academy at risk with our thoughtless adventure.

Jared continued, his frustration evident. "It's imperative that you understand the rules and the reasons behind them. We don't restrict your movements to be cruel. It's for your safety and the safety of others."

Noah added, "We all have responsibilities here, especially as the chosen ones. You can't just do whatever you want."

As they continued to scold us, the weight of our actions bore down on us, and the importance of our roles as the chosen ones was made abundantly clear. Our carefree adventure had consequences, and we had a lot of explaining and making amends to do.

Meng and I, recognizing the gravity of our actions, began to apologize and express our understanding of the rules and responsibilities placed upon us. We didn't want to disappoint anyone or put our friends and the academy at risk.

"Noah, Jared, we're really sorry," I said sincerely. "We promise we won't do something like this again. We just wanted to experience a bit of the outside world, but we understand now."

Meng chimed in, her eyes filled with remorse. "Please forgive us. We know we messed up, and we didn't think about the consequences."

Noah and Jared exchanged a glance, seemingly torn between their anger and the realization that we had learned our lesson.

Finally, they sighed in unison, and Noah spoke with a slightly softer tone, "Just promise us you won't do something like this again. We're all here to protect each other and fulfill our destinies."

We readily agreed to their terms and nodded in agreement. "We promise," I assured them. "We won't let you down."

As Noah and Jared left our room, still shaking their heads in frustration, we couldn't help but burst into laughter. The tension had lifted, and Meng couldn't resist mimicking their serious faces, her impressions so accurate it had me in stitches.

Meng giggled along with me, and we found solace in humor as we laughed about how they had scolded us like protective older brothers, even though we were all the same age. Our bond was strong, and in moments like this, we could appreciate the genuine care they had for us.

The next morning, I woke up with a splitting headache. It was an uneasy feeling, a sense of impending dread. To my surprise, Jared and Meng rushed into my room, both wearing worried expressions. I sat up, trying to make sense of what was happening.

"What's going on?" I asked, feeling a knot of anxiety in my stomach.

Meng handed me her phone, and my heart sank as I saw the news on the screen. There was a picture of Riley in a hospital bed, connected to oxygen and wrapped in bandages. It looked like he had been seriously injured.

"He was attacked," Jared explained, his voice heavy with anger and concern. "And it's because of your carelessness."

I felt my heart drop, struggling to understand how this could have happened. "What do you mean? We knew nothing about this."

Jared extended his arm, and I reluctantly handed over Riley's crest. "This crest acts like a protective shield for werewolves and humans. Just as the barrier protects us here, it protects them outside. Since he wasn't carrying it, the lycans and strigois located him and attacked."

Meng couldn't contain her tears. "Nothing must happen to Riley. I'd never forgive myself if something did."

I swallowed hard, realizing the gravity of our actions. "Even though I've never liked that boy, I still don't want anything bad to happen to him," Jared added.

Noah entered the room and delivered another piece of bad news. "The Alpha just called Prof. Miller, saying that if anything happens to his son, we'll all pay for it."

The weight of my actions and the consequences it brought were impossible to ignore. It was like the whole world was crashing down around us. Noah and Jared left the room, their disappointment and frustration evident.

Meng followed suit, leaving me alone with my thoughts, the guilt of my carelessness weighing heavily on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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