Chapter 2:The Outside World

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Isabel's POV

I retreated to my room, overcome by frustration and disappointment. This day had been a long-awaited opportunity for me to break free from our confines, and I couldn't believe that Professor Miller might deny me that chance.

I sobbed silently in the solitude of my room, feeling the weight of the boundaries that confined us. I had waited for this day, assuming that the promise he had made would be kept.

Then, there was a knock on the door. It was Noah, who entered with a compassionate expression on his face. "Hey, Bunny," he greeted me. "I'm so sorry for what happened back there."

But I couldn't shake my doubts. "Why does he want us to keep living like this ?" I questioned, my voice heavy with emotion. "How does he expect us to save the outside world when we don't even know what we are saving ourselves from? What are we hiding from?"

Noah's eyes met mine as he tried to provide some clarity. "The Lycan King," he explained, his voice laced with concern. "Professor Miller told us that we are five miraculous children, and they killed one of us. He's scared, Isa. Please understand him this time."

Noah wrapped me in a comforting hug, a gesture that spoke of our deep connection. His presence always brought me solace, and he understood my feelings better than anyone.

But as he left the room, another voice intruded, and it was Meng who entered. "Scoff, Riley is such an asshole," she exclaimed, her frustration evident.

I couldn't help but laugh at her blunt remark. Meng had a unique way of brightening my mood. However, she soon noticed the tears in my eyes.

"Bunny, why are you crying?" she asked, trying to mimic Noah's endearing nickname for me.

I hesitated but finally spoke, "Meng?!"

With a smirk, she continued, "I think he likes you, though." She was referring to Noah.

I laughed again, dismissing the idea. "Noah?! That's impossible."

Meng was not so easily convinced. "He's the heartthrob of all the miracle children, and all the girls are obsessed with him. But you can go for him if you want. Don't let anything stop you."

Her words struck a chord with me, and I murmured, "Don't let anything stop you." Inspired, I began rummaging through my wardrobe, searching for a particular item.

Meng inquired, "What are you doing, Isa?"

"You'll see," I replied cryptically. And she left me to my task.

Meng shared, "So, Riley and I had a moment on the terrace, under the beautiful moon, and he kissed me." Her voice was filled with a mix of excitement and confession.

I couldn't contain my joy and offered her a warm smile. "I'm so happy for you," I said, taking her hands. However, it was clear she had some concerns. "But, if it's a great start, why don't you seem happier? And why did you refer to him as an 'asshole'?" I inquired with curiosity.

Her expression shifted, revealing her disappointment. "He told me to excuse him because he needed a drink. I waited for him, and I got tired. When I went back to the party, I saw him flirting with another girl. Could you believe that?"

My sympathy for her situation was undeniable. "I'm so sorry, Meng. He's really an asshole."

I had already found what I was looking for: a black hoodie and a face mask. When Meng asked, "Where are you going?" my determination was unwavering.

"Sneaking out," I declared. "I'm not going to let anyone stop me. Unless, of course, you snitch on me like you did that time when we were kids."

Meng chuckled. "Well, that was like ten years ago, and we were kids."

With that, I knew I had made my decision, and nothing could deter me now.

Meng's determination was unshakable, and she was adamant about joining me on this adventure. "Isa?! You don't know what's out there," she exclaimed, her voice filled with concern.

I couldn't help but feel a mix of worry and determination. "Then if you're going, I'm coming with you," she declared, her resolve clear.

I hesitated for a moment, considering the risks and responsibilities that came with bringing Meng along. "No, Meng, you don't know how to keep a low profile. I wouldn't want any of your fans surrounding us," I tried to explain. But she gave me those infamous puppy eyes, and it was hard to resist.

I sighed, realizing she wasn't about to back down. "Oh nooo. How are we going to do the barrier? The guards won't let us pass without a crest," I pointed out, my concerns mounting.

Meng's mischievous smirk appeared as she revealed her plan. "Leave it to me. Meet me downstairs in 10 minutes. We have to sneak out the back, so Professor Miller or one of the boys won't see us."

With a mixture of excitement and apprehension, I followed Meng's lead. We slipped out of my room, and I couldn't help but feel the rush of adventure coursing through my veins. I was ready for my big night, where we would finally explore the world beyond the academy's gates.

We successfully sneaked downstairs and hid behind a pillar, our hearts racing with excitement. Suddenly, a voice startled us, and I turned to find Riley standing there.

"Why is he here?" I whispered to Meng, puzzled by his unexpected appearance.

Meng explained, "I texted Riley, telling him I needed his crest, and he said he'd meet us here."

I had my doubts but nodded. "Thanks," Meng said as Riley approached.

Then, Riley interrupted, "If you don't tell me where you're going, I'll have to report this to Miller."

Meng responded defiantly, "You wouldn't dare."

With a smirk, Riley assured her, "Yes ,I would,babe.Trust me."

He pulled Meng close, and their flirtatious behavior made me squirm. "Eewww," I couldn't help but exclaim in disgust.

Eventually, I confessed, "Fine, we're sneaking out. We've never been outside the gate before, so we needed the crest."

Riley snatched the crest from Meng."This crest is important. It's the only thing protecting us .If you lose it, it could lead to disaster."

However, he surprised us by offering a solution. "But if you're set on going outside, I'll drive,"he offered, revealing his car keys.

Meng squealed with delight as I chuckled, observing her change of heart. It was only ten minutes ago that she called Riley an asshole and swore not to have anything to do with him, and now, she was all over him.

We hopped into Riley's sportscar, and he started the engine, preparing to take us on our journey. We soon reached the main gate, where the guards requested the crest. Riley showed it to them, and, thanks to his tinted windows, they couldn't see me and Meng. After confirming the crest's authenticity, the guards nodded to each other and lifted the magical barrier.

For the first time in what felt like forever, we were outside the gates, ready for our adventure.

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