Chapter 3:A Fateful Decision

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Isabel's POV

We had ventured outside the gate, driving through the lush forest, and within minutes, the scenery transformed into a bustling city. The rich, diverse aromas of street food filled the air, beckoning us to explore.

Meng, Riley, and I decided to indulge ourselves, determined to savor the tastes of the outside world. Riley generously footed the bill, and the food was a revelation, tantalizing our taste buds with every bite.

As we walked through the city streets, the chemistry between Meng and Riley was undeniable, their constant flirting and teasing leaving me feeling like a third wheel. I started to feel increasingly out of place.

We eventually stepped into an ice cream store, and Meng, ever the enthusiast, couldn't resist begging Riley for a treat. As they debated flavors and toppings, I felt a wave of unease wash over me. The bustling store became overwhelming.

Without a word, I left the shop and found myself outside, where I was captivated by the beauty of fireflies dancing in the evening air. Their tiny, shimmering lights beckoned me, and I decided to follow them.

The fireflies led me to a serene garden, bathed in the soft glow of the moon. Beside it, a tranquil lake mirrored the starlit sky. I settled down, absorbing the breathtaking view, when two men approached me.

"Hey there, beautiful, what are you doing all alone?" one of them inquired, settling down beside me. Their presence felt ominous.

"We haven't seen you around Transylvania before," the other added, their words accompanied by an invasive attempt to touch me inappropriately.

I rose to my feet, an unsettled feeling washing over me. "Excuse me," I said firmly, attempting to create distance between us. But it didn't stop there. One of them audaciously smacked my ass.

Indignation surged within me, and without hesitation, I retaliated by delivering a resounding slap across his face. The sudden burst of anger seemed to surprise him. In response, he grabbed my hair, escalating the confrontation.

As I turned to face them, I was suddenly taken aback by an unfamiliar voice from behind me, boldly asserting, "Leave her alone."

The situation escalated quickly when one of the men, fueled by aggression, taunted my savior. "What are you going to do about it if we don't?" he challenged, moving closer in a menacing manner. But before he could proceed further, my unexpected hero responded by delivering a devastating punch. The impact was so fierce that it sent the aggressor staggering, his jaw shattered.

The blow was undeniably the most powerful punch I had ever witnessed, and the assailant, disoriented and in pain, promptly fled the garden.

I couldn't help but smirk, still recovering from the adrenaline rush of the encounter. "Thanks for saving me, even though I didn't need your help," I quipped, a defiant streak in my tone.

He laughed at my stubbornness. "Those assholes were assaulting you, and it was painfully obvious you needed help," he retorted.

"I'm old enough to protect myself," I insisted, though my irritation was beginning to fade.

He scoffed, his eyes locking with mine as he asked, "So, what are you doing here?" His expression softened. "This is my garden. I come here whenever I need an escape. Please leave."

I couldn't deny that he was infuriatingly annoying, yet there was something intriguing about him, something that drew me in despite my better judgment. His rugged good looks with tattoos and chiseled jaw added to his appeal, leaving me both annoyed and oddly captivated.

"Well, today I came here first," I explained, feeling a bit more at ease. This stranger  seemed to have a mysterious aura about him.

"Fine," he replied with a sigh.

"I'm Mason," he introduced himself.

"Isa... Isabel," I stammered, returning the introduction.

"Soo, what are you? I've never seen you in Transylvania before," Mason inquired.

"I'm new here," I responded.

"What species are you?" he pressed.

"I'm a werewolf," I admitted, to which he simply nodded.

"Cool," he remarked, his gaze fixed on the moon.

"What about you? What are you?" I questioned him, trying to keep the conversation alive.

"I'm human," Mason said with a hint of casualness.

I attempted to maintain the conversation , but he seemed somewhat uninterested. As I stood up, ready to leave, he suddenly said my name. "Isabel... nice name."

I turned to him with a smile. "How is it like?" he asked.

My brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Mason clarified, "How is it like being a werewolf? It must be really cool."

"Well, it is and it's not," I shared.

I continued, "I really don't care about being a werewolf. I just want to live a free life and go on adventures." I confessed, the weight of my desires heavy on my heart.

"I understand you, but you know the outside world is really dangerous."Mason pointed out with a genuine concern.

"How about we make a deal? You'll help me  on my adventure, and I'll tell you what it feels like being a werewolf," I proposed.

Mason chuckled and agreed, "Fine. Let's meet here tomorrow."

As we shared laughter, Meng and Riley suddenly entered the scene, looking worried and frantically searching for me.

"We've been looking all over for you," Meng exclaimed. "We have to leave now. They already found out we're missing."

I introduced Mason to my friends, and we bid farewell to my mysterious savior. As we walked back towards Riley's car, Meng noticed the redness in my cheeks.

"You're blushing," she teased.

"And what's the deal with all that staring and giggling?" Riley joined in. "Isabel, you have a crush on him, don't you?"

I tried to deny it, but the butterflies in my stomach told a different story. It was all so confusing; I had just met Mason. Was this love at first sight?

"I don't even know him," I said, attempting to convince myself.

Meng chimed in, "Shut up, you didn't get his number!"

Our conversation continued as we reflected on our escape, but it was hard not to wonder about Mason, a stranger who had appeared at just the right moment and ignited emotions I hadn't expected.

Riley's sudden stop in front of the car as he checked his phone was a moment of unexpected tension. His words sent a shiver down my spine, and the pleasant afterglow of our little adventure was quickly replaced with worry.

"We're screwed," Riley said, his tone laced with anxiety.

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