Chapter 1: The Prophecy Awakens

Start from the beginning

Meng helped me find my dress, and as we prepared for the celebration, there was a knock on the door.

"Hello, girls," Jared, another of our fellow miracle children, said as he entered. "Professor Miller needs us all downstairs immediately. The ceremony has started."

A few minutes later, we joined the others in the hallway. All eyes were on us as we descended the staircase. With each step, the gathering crowd of werewolves marveled at our presence.

The full moon was high in the sky, and its silvery glow bathed the assembly. The howling of the wolves echoed through the night, a sound that never ceased during the full moon.

"Riley is looking as handsome as ever," Meng whispered as we made our entrance.

She had been infatuated with Riley Wolfhard for as long as I could remember. Riley, the alpha's son, was Transylvania's heartthrob and a celebrity in the supernatural world. Despite his flirtatious nature, Meng's crush on him had persisted over the years.

We eventually joined the other miracle children, Jared and Noah, who looked dashing in their tuxedos. Noah, who was often my partner in both mischief and contemplation, leaned in close.

"You look as beautiful as ever," he whispered into my ear. We stood side by side as Professor Miller ascended a podium to address the assembly.

"Welcome, everyone, to our fifth full moon gathering and the celebration of our miraculous children," Professor Miller declared. He raised a glass of champagne, and we all followed suit. "Let me raise a toast to my amazing family: Jared, Meng, Isabel, and Noah."

A chorus of howls resonated through the hall as we celebrated our coming of age. The bond among the miracle children was unbreakable.

But as Professor Miller's speech came to an end and the real party began, Meng left my side to pursue Riley. I sighed, watching her disappear into the crowd.

Jared came up beside me, his expression filled with concern. "It irks me to see her so obsessed with that flirt," he muttered.

"Riley," I corrected him.

He scoffed. "Riley," he muttered and continued, "He doesn't treat her right. Please, talk some sense into her."

"I've tried, Jared," I replied, "but Meng believes in true love conquering all. She's convinced that he's her fated mate."

Jared nodded and left, clearly frustrated. I understood his concern. We had all grown up together at the academy, and the bond among us was more profound than friendship. We were like family, and we had a duty to look out for one another.

As I scanned the room, I decided it was time to leave. I had never been much of a party person. Meng was the social one, effortlessly connecting with others. She even had over 70 thousand followers on Instagram, thanks to her hashtag #miraclechild.

Just as I was about to make my exit, Noah, my fated twin, approached. Noah understood me in ways no one else did. We were always there for each other.

As a child, I had been a rebel, yearning to explore the world outside our gates. I convinced Noah to help me escape once, and when we got caught, he took the blame to protect me. He had always been my pillar of support, and I knew I could count on him, even in moments of rebellion.

Our journey as miracle children had been filled with both wonder and challenges,but we knew we could rely on each other.

"Hey, Bunny," Noah greeted me as he entered the room. He had always used that nickname, a playful reminder of our connection.

Today was a significant day, and I had been eagerly awaiting an opportunity to discuss my big plan with Professor Miller. Noah knew my intentions well and urged me to seize the right moment.

"He's been busy all day," I replied, my voice tinged with disappointment.

Noah smiled, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "The best time to approach him is when he's talking with the other alphas. He won't resist saying no in front of them."

I considered his suggestion, realizing the strategic advantage it offered. "Well, that's a perfect plan," I acknowledged, understanding the importance of timing.

With determination, I walked toward Professor Miller, who was engaged in conversation with other alphas. "Hello, Professor Miller," I said, trying to catch his attention."Can I see you for a moment?"

"Excuse me, please," he said to the alphas, indicating that my request was important enough to merit their brief departure.

"Are you having troubles again relating to everyone, Isa? You promised me you would try to enjoy yourself today," Professor Miller said as he turned his attention to me.

I gathered my resolve and looked him in the eye. "I want to go outside," I told him, my voice filled with longing.

The alphas chuckled at my request, and one of them commented on the refreshing air outside.

"No, no," I clarified, interrupting them, "I meant outside the gate, like you promised me on my 18th birthday."

Professor Miller's expression shifted, and a hint of concern appeared in his eyes. "Isa, it's not as easy as you think. The outside world is dangerous, especially for someone like you. You're special."

I was determined, though, and my frustration boiled over. "Then I don't want to be special," I declared, my voice firm with resolve. "I want to be like everyone else, like other werewolves or humans. I hate my life."

Without waiting for a response, I turned and walked away. The conversation with Professor Miller had left me feeling more conflicted than ever. My longing for freedom and a sense of normalcy had reached a breaking point, and I was willing to challenge the boundaries that had confined me for so long.

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