I'll always be here

Start from the beginning

"Honestly, I don't even remember it. I don't even remember coming back to the motel. But based on how sad you are, I really screwed up. So, I'm gonna fix this for all of us. I know that you're totally in love with Buck. And she's pretty cool. So, we're gonna find her, and I will apologize for whatever I said. How does that sound, Sammy?" I asked, throwing on a random shirt from my bag. 

Bucky's stuff was still here, including Logan's dog-tags. And we all know she wouldn't be gone long without those. Sam jumped from his spot on the bed, already dressed. He threw me the keys, and raced out the door, carrying his laptop. I rolled my eyes at him, and grabbed a cupcake on my way out. When the hell, did we get cupcakes? Sam gave me a death glare, which told me I was going to slow for his liking. 

"Sammy, will you calm down? Buck's not going anywhere, all her stuff is still here. Besides, we don't even know where she is." I pointed out, while hoping in my baby.

"She wouldn't have gone far. I know her too well. Lets try the nearest motel. Maybe she spent the night with that guy to cool down?" He pondered, sticking his hand out the window. And as he started to mention the guy she was with, his voice got low and dark again.

"Is Sam Winchester jealous?" I asked, raising my eyebrows, and taking a peek at him.

His body tensed, but relaxed almost instantly. Sam turned away from me, and I could just feel him roll his eyes at me.

"Im not jealous dean. I just worry about Bucky. I don't know who that guy is, and I'm afraid somethings gonna happen to her. Like, I know she can take care of herself. But I wanna make sure I'm always there to protect her. if something happened to Buck, I don't know what I would do."

"So basically, you're telling me that you love her. Is that not what I'm getting out of that whole little speech?" I smirked, and patted his back. "My baby brother found love again. This is awesome. Dude, now you have to talk about this with me. Now that I finally know. So come on Sam, spill the beans, and tell big brother."

He heaved a heavy sigh, and looked back over at me. A tiny smile making its way onto his lips. A smile that I haven't seen in a long time from him. With all the crap that we've been dealing with, neither of us have been very happy recently. But ever since Bucky's made an appearance in our lives, Sam has gotten happier and happier. And any girl that can make Sam happy, has an A+ in my book. Unless she's a demon, but we all know that Bucky Barnes is not a demon. I made a few hand gestures to let Sam know to talk to me.

"Okay, If I tell you, you can't make fun of me. You can't make jokes, and you have to get off my back about this." I placed my hand on my heart, and nodded my head. He continued. "Ever since we saw Bucky at that bar, when we first saw her, was kinda the first time I started falling in love. And just every little thing she started doing, made me fall more for her. The way she tugs her left shirt sleeve down, the way she laughs, and just over all her personality. She's scared, but at the same time, she couldn't be more brave in my books. Dean, I think I love Bucky as much as I loved Jess. Even more now that she's saved our lives. And to hear that she's with another guy, kills me on the inside. I just want Bucky back." His voice faltered at the end, causing it to crack slightly. And if you didn't know Sam, you wouldn't have noticed the small waver. But I did, and that little crack, let me know how much he truly loved Hyland Buchanan Barnes.

"Well, then lets go get that special girl of yours." I replied plainly. Extremely happy on the inside that my little brother found love again. 

"What? Theres no snarky comment from you. No telling me that I can't have a chick flick moment?" Sam questioned.

"Would you rather have me give you a snarky comment?'

"No, this is fine. Hey dean, thanks for understanding."

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