Chapter Thirteen

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The four friends walked into the courtyard, hearing the sharp, metallic scraping

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The four friends walked into the courtyard, hearing the sharp, metallic scraping.

Around the statue sat an executioner sharpening his axe. They all looked at him as they passed. Hollyn suggested they go visit Hagrid.

She never had a pet but she knew he might need someone with him.

"I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak." Hermione said. "It's just too horrible."

"It just got worse?" Ron said.

Draco and his friends were trying to get a view of Hagrid's hut to watch the execution. Hermione stormed down the steps and went up to them.

"Oh, this is going to be rich." Malfoy said.

"Huh, look who's here." Crabbe said, moving away.

"Ah, come to see the show?"

"You! You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" Hermione yelled at him, pulling out her wand.

"Hermione, no! He's not worth it." Ron said.

Hollyn elbowed his arm. "But he deserves it." She told Hermione. When they all thought Hermione left it alone, she turned and punched Malfoy in the nose.

"That felt good." Hermione admitted to her friends as the Slytherin's went running.

"Not good—brilliant."

They went down the hill to visit Hagrid.

"Oh, look at him. Loves the smell of the trees when the wind blows through them." Hagrid said, he'd been looking out the window at Buckbeak.

"Why don't we just set him free?" Harry asked.

"Ah, they'd know it was me, and then Dumbledore would get in trouble. He's coming down, you know, Dumbledore. Says he wants to be with me when they... when it happens. Great man, Dumbledore. Great man."

"We'll stay with you, too, Hagrid." Hollyn said as he threw something to a creature in the corner.

"You'll do no such thing." Hagrid protested. "Think I want you seeing something like that? No, you just drink your tea and be off. Oh, before you do, Ron..."

Hagrid walked over to the counter and opened a small box. He turned and was holding a nasty looking, balled up rag.

"Scabbers!" Eon said with delight. "You're alive."

Oops. Hollyn thought as she looked over at Hermione who was folding her arms.

"Want to keep a closer eye on your pets, Ron." Hagrid advised.

"I think that means you owe someone an apology." Hermione walked over to him.

"Right. Next time I see Crookshanks, I'll let him know." Ron nodded.

"I meant me!" Hermione corrected him.

A vase behind Hermione broke and sand poured out. "Blimey! What was that?" Hagrid asked, heading towards the window.

Hollyn picked up what looked like a rock with a shell fossilized into it.

"Ow!" Harry exclaimed and turned to the open window. "Hagrid."

"Oh, crikey. It's late. It's nearly dark." Hagrid informed them of the curfew. "You shouldn't be here. If someone sees you outside the castle this time of night, you'll be in trouble—big trouble, particularly you two." He pointed between Harry and Hollyn as he started covering all the creatures in his hut.

A harsh knock came from the door.

"Be with you in a moment! Quick. Quick!" He whispered to the group, leading them to the back door.

"Hagrid. It'll be fine." Harry said before Hollyn pulled him out the door by his sleeve.

As the group of men were let into Hagrid's hut, the group of students jumped out the side door and ran behind a pile of pumpkins.

Hermione whipped her head around when she heard a twig snap.

"What is it?" Harry asked as she looked through the group until she found Hollyn and looked back at the trees.

"I thought I saw..." Hermione said. "Never mind."

"Let's go." Ron suggested.

They all ran back up to the circle of stones and stopped. They could no longer see Buckbeak but they saw the executioner being directed towards the pumpkins.

He raised his axe and let it fall to the ground.

Hermione grabbed onto Ron, wrapping her arms around him and crying onto his shoulder.

Harry tried to place his hand on Hollyn's shoulder, seeing tears forming in her eyes. Hollyn shook his hand off and looked at him.

Ron gasped and dropped his rat. "He bit me. Scabbers!"

"Ron? Ron!" Hermione said as he chased after his rat.

They all chased after Ron as he ran after the creature. Ron finally caught the rat under a tree.

"Harry, you do realize what tree this is." Hermione told him.

"That's not good."

"Ron, run!" Hollyn shouted at him.

Ron looked up at them with wide eyes. He pointed behind them. "Run!" He shouted to them but they were all confused. He should be running. "It's the Grim!"

An unusually large black dog stood behind the three students. He charged, jumping over the three and heading towards Ron.

Ron held tight to his rat with one hand and tried to grab a hold of something with the other. The Grim pulled him into a hole under the tree by his ankle.

Harry dove to get Ron's hand but he couldn't get a good grip.

Hollyn pulled Harry up and they were all thrown back by a tree branch.

They could still hear Ron screaming. They tried to get under the tree and follow, but the Whomping Willow would. it allow her.

"Duck!" Hermione pulled Hollyn down but Harry was too late. He was thrown back and lost his glasses.

Hermione and Hollyn jumped over a branch and Hollyn ducked under the next, but Hermione held on to the tree as the branch waved in the air.

Hollyn kept running as the willow threw down different limbs, trying to crush her as Hermione would occasionally fly by, screaming.

Hollyn jumped back and fell into Harry. She wrapped her arm around his as Hermione flew by, grabbing Hollyn by the wrist and pulling both of them along with her.

Hermione lost her grip and the Potters went straight into the burrow under the tree. Hollyn landed on Harry's back and he groaned.

"Get off." He shrugged, trying to get Hollyn off. She jumped off and Harry was pushed back down when Hermione followed and fell on top of him.

"Oh. Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry." Harry said, finally able to get up.

"Where do you suppose this goes?" Hermione asked.

"I have a hunch. I just hope I'm wrong."

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