Chapter Five

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"Another year of cheating death

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"Another year of cheating death." Hermione scoffed, rolling her eyes at the thought.

"Yep. Soon he might want a divorce." Hollyn commented, beginning to walk down the stairs towards the woods.

"You don't think that Grim thing's got anything to do with Sirius Black, do you?" Ron asked, following Hollyn.

"Oh, honestly, Ron!" Hermione snapped. "If you ask me, Divination's a very woolly discipline. Now, Ancient Runes, that's a fascinating subject."

"Ancient Runes? Exactly how many classes are you taking this term?" Ron asked.

"A fair few." Hermione shrugged.

"Hang on. That's not possible. Ancient Runes is in the same time as Divination. You have to be in two classes at once."

"Don't be silly, Ronald. Broaden your minds! Use your inner eye to see the future!" Hermione giggled. The hall laughed on the way down to Hagrid's hut.

Hollyn knew Hermione was taking more than a fair few, spreading herself thin through time with a gift from McGonagall, even if Hermione didn't tell her, Hollyn still saw the chain around Hermione's neck.

"That's it. Come on, now. Come closer." Hagrid waved all the chattering students in. "Less talking, if you don't mind. I got a real treat for you today. A great lesson. So follow me."

The class followed Hagrid through the woods.

"I did not sign up for nature walks." Hollyn complained as she felt the hot sun on her back. She didn't mind being outside, she just didn't like being outside with all the other students and having to sweat before her next class.

"Right, you lot. Less chattering. Form a group over there." Hagrid directed. "And open your books to page 49."

"Exactly how do we do that?" Draco demanded.

"Well, just stroke the spine, of course." Hagrid said.

"Of course. What a silly question." Hollyn muttered sarcastically as the group of four passed Draco and his friends.

"I think they're funny." Hermione said dryly when she set her book on a nearby rock.

"Oh, yeah. Terribly funny! Really witty! God, this place has gone to the dogs! Wait until my father heard that Dumbledore's got those oaf teaching classes!"

Crabbe made a terrible laugh from next to Draco, like it was the funniest thing in the world. Hollyn's lip turned up in disgust and confusion. Was it really that funny?

"Shut up, Malfoy." Harry said.

"Give me the strength to deal with my idiot brother." Hollyn begged to herself when her brother tried approaching Malfoy.

"Ooh." Malfoy and his friends all laughed. Malfoy dropped his bag and walked over to Harry. He looked last Harry and began to stumble back. "D-Dementor! Dementor!" He cried.

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