Rose sighed as she spoke softly. "I've seen films and things, yeah. They say black holes are like gateways to another universe."

"Not that one." The Doctor grimaced. "It just eats."

EJ mimicked her tone. "It's pretty, though."

"Long way from home." He didn't think he'd ever see Rose homesick; she'd always been so vocal about travelling.

  "Go that way." The Doctor pointed up to the ceiling, up to space. "Turn right, keep going for, er... about 500 years, then you'll reach the Earth."

She picked the phone out of her pocket, looked at it briefly, before setting it on the table in disappointment. "No signal. That's the first time we've gone out of range. Mind you, even if I could... what would I tell her? Can you build another Tardis?"

"They were grown, not built." He corrected, and all hope was stamped out. "And with my home-planet gone... we're kind of stuck."

"Well, could be worse. This lot said they'd give us a lift."

"If they ever got off the planet." EJ sneered. "That could be in forty years... God, I'd be old."

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. "And then what?"

"I dunno." Rose shrugged. "Find a planet. Get a job. Live a life. Same as the rest of the universe."

"I'd have to settle down." He grilled his lips on disappointment. "Get a house or something. A proper house with... with... with... doors and things. Carpets. Me! Living in a house! Now, that... that is terrifying!"

"You'd have to get a mortgage." There was a sing-song tone in her voice.


"Oh, yes!"

EJ chuckled. "Brilliant."

"I'm dying." Was his response, shaking his dead. "That's it, I'm dying, it's all over."

"What about me? I'd have to get one too!" Rose exclaimed, something changed in her tone. "I dunno, could be he same one, we could both... I dunno. All sorts of..."

The Doctor thinned his lips and sucked in a deep breath. "Anyway!"

"We'll see."

"I refuse to get a mortgage." EJ blinked slowly, he didn't like the tension. It made him uncomfortable. "I'm not buying a 43rd century house. It's not happening."

  His humour didn't make a difference. "I promised Jackie I'd always take you back home."

  Rose looked at him, sorrowfully. "Everyone leaves home in the end."

  "Not to end up stuck here."

  "Yeah, but stuck with you two," Even she was trying to lighten the mood now; it was the bounciest she'd been since Queen Victoria and the werewolf. "That's not so bad."

  He smiled. "Yeah."


  "Sweet." EJ nodded, still slightly stilted. "I'm flattered."

     It would have been nice to have that one happy moment, but it was ruined within an instant. Rose's phone rang, which was odd since they were out of range, but she answered it all the same. However, only seconds later, she threw it to the ground in fear. That confirmed they couldn't stay there. They needed to find out what was happening.

The Doctor decided that Ood Habitation was the best place to begin, considering that was where the first issue originated. Danny was in there, alone, with what must have been at least two hundred Ood. It seemed like an interesting job, where ethics turned into animal herding.

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