surprise. || eleven.

Start from the beginning

It was gonna be a hell of a night.


It was the day for me to return. I just got to speak with my parents properly at lunch today and I got seriously yelled at for not scoring above 90% and for getting silly costumes for Kuro. How can I not, they was too cute to not get.

Speaking of which, Cyno posted on Instagram. Seems that he dressed Kuro up in one of those costumes I bought.

I couldn't help but notice how much Kuro has grown

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I couldn't help but notice how much Kuro has grown. He was just a little baby when I got him. I feel like a mother whose seeing her child grow up.

Well, we could say I'm his mother. Though obviously I'm not, I'm raising him just as his mother would've. So I guess I could be called Mommy Ainsley 👁️🫦👁️. (I'm sorry.)

"Is it that boy again?" My dad asked from the driver's seat.

"What boy?" My mom asked her husband, confused as she didn't know about her daughter being involved with boys. I never had a close friend who was a guy before, so it's understandable.

" A kid from Hogwarts."

"Look! He made Kuro wear the bat wings I got! Isn't he just cute?" I exclaimed showing the picture to the other three in the car.

" Who? Cyno?" Judy smirked while nudging me at the side.

"No, I meant Kuro ofc!"

"Huh, what are you talking about? I asked if it was Cyno who dressed Kuro up. Wait, you don't think I asked if you think Cyno's cute, do you?"

"I never said that!"

"So you do?"

"This is why your ex cheated on you!"

"Why you-"


I knocked on Cyno's door.

He soon enough, opened it.

"Oh when did you get back? Did you not go to your room first?" He asked me letting me in.

"Like 15 minutes ago? And no, I wanted to take Kuro along." I answered his question to which he nodded in acknowledgement.

"Is the issue taken care of? Are you okay?" Cyno looked genuinely concerned. I smiled at him before revealing that I lied.

"Oh. Then why did you actually go, though? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.."

"I actually wanted to thank you." I confessed while taking the novel wrapped in a lavender gift wrap. He looked super confused.

"For the pocket watch?" I said hoping he would remember.

He let out an oh before speaking

"You didn't have to! I just did what felt right.."

"It's okay, I wanted to."

I took his hand and placed the book on it. His hand were soft and warm. I didn't want to let go of it anytime soon but I had to when I felt something move near my feet. It was Kuro.

I immediately let go of Cyno's hand and turned my focuse to Kuro. I heard a notification sound and took my phone out my bag to check what it was. But there weren't any notifications. Strange.

I looked over to Cyno and he seemed to be texting someone. He must've gotten a notification. He looked away from his phone to me and spoke.

"Uh, do you want to stay for a lil bit? I could make you some tea?"

"Sure." I smiled.

[Third Person Pov.]

(In the astronomy tower.)

"We're so dead if Professor Dumbledore finds out!" Stammered Draco.

" Oh don't worry. It's fine. All he could do is give us detention. " Unlike Draco, Carla's tone was devoid of any worry.

"I can't believe I'm doing this! Especially for that Carlton!"

" Ainsley has always prepared something for our birthdays, we just felt like we had to as well. I'm sorry to drag you guys into this." Iris apologised.

" Oh no no, we're having fun. Draco is too, he just doesn't want to admit it. " Louis Wood assured the girl.

" What's taking Cyno so long? It's past midnight. I texted him like ten minutes ago. " Tighnari was restless to see Ainsley's reaction.

" I bet 50 that he and Ainsley are making out rn. " Olivia said making a few in the room laugh.

All the laughter and chitchats died when Tighnari received a text from Cyno that they're almost there.

Everyone scattered around, some were readily holding party poppers in their hands while Olivia and Kaveh were filming everything from both sides. They made Al haitham hold the cake as they trusted him not to drop it.

Andrea, who was peaking out a window, whispered to the other that she sees light emitted by a lantern meaning that the pair had arrived.

The door opened slowly. Everyone looked at each other for a signal.

"Ay 5, 6. 5, 6, 7, 8!" Olivia counted down and just when she counted eight, everyone started singing happy birthday to Ainsley.

Ainsley smiled and started singing as well.

After the song ended, Al haitham stepped closer to Ainsley before telling her to make a wish.

She closed her eyes, making a wish, then opened and blew out the candle.

Carla was quick to smear some frosting on her cheeks. The room was filled with laughter as she did this.

"The cake was from Edward as a present." Nora told Ainsley while smearing more frosting on her nose. "I'll be sure to thank him."

"Picture time!" Olivia rushed towards Ainsley to capture her face which was 15% engulfed in frosting.

The group clicked pictures after pictures. Jokes and laughter could be heard in the astronomy tower.

Time soon passed and it was almost 2 am but they were no where ready to retire for the night.

"Guys round up! An atmosphere like this calls for a game of truth or dare."


Lmao I know that none of my friends would do something like that for me but let's pretend they would.
-RJ <3

(word count: 1443.)

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