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Mae pov: 

Pedro Garcia Peterson: Also Know as a Papi  29 years old 

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Pedro Garcia Peterson: Also Know as a Papi  29 years old 

Hates: When Mae or Matthew lie or Talk bad about themselves or to each other.

Likes:To spend time with family and or when Mae and Matthew accomplish something

Works: As a Medical Director and is the leader of the hospital 

Is stern but not as strict as Dad. 

Jeremy Peterson Garcia: Also know as Dad  30 years old 

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Jeremy Peterson Garcia: Also know as Dad  30 years old 

Hates: When Mae or Matthew breaks the rules and hates disrespect and lying

Likes: When the spend family time together and loves his family

Works: As a surgeon in the same hospital as Pedro 

Is strict and is scary when upset.

Matthew Elijah Garcia Peterson  16 years old 

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Matthew Elijah Garcia Peterson  16 years old 

Hates: when his sister annoys him and when he mess up a painting

Likes: To paint and his family, Also likes to spend time with his boyfriend 

He is also gay.😊  Wants to be come a painter .

Mae Elizabeth Garcia Peterson  14 years old 

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Mae Elizabeth Garcia Peterson  14 years old 

Hates: When her parents make her change her outfit, Hates when she gets in trouble and hates getting yelled out

Likes: Cheerleading and Dance. Can do many flips and is also very flexible. Loves her family. Dance competition as well. Is a very sweet girl but can have attitude a lot.

Also was born with Gray Eyes because of great great great grandma.

Has: ADHD and dyslexia ( Hard time reading the words it  scramble) , Anxiety 

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