11 - Skipping Classes

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The crystal filtered the sunlight into a soft purple glow, giving Kris' hair a purple sheen. Fox had been awake for some time. Very carefully, he'd turned around. Kris' hand had rested on his hip, though he didn't dare to believe it until he had rolled over and seen the boy.

His boyfriend.

It was so unreal.

By now, he had been staring at him for some time; at his dark hair that hung partly in front of his face and moved gently by his breathing, his slightly open mouth, and the early sunlight that was reflecting on his face.

He looked beautiful, peaceful—and sweet.

He got all warm again as he thought back to the previous night. Kris said he really liked him. That he wanted to move things on with him. The butterflies in his stomach had never been so hyperactive.

Suddenly, he became nervous when Kris' eyes opened. What if he changed his mind? If he thought it was all a big mistake? What if he realized that Fox wasn't very good at kissing at all? Nervously, he bit his lip. Waiting expectantly, he stared at the boy.

"Morning," Kris said in a raspy voice.

A very sexy raspy voice.

Fox wanted to hide under the blanket when that thought occurred to him, afraid that Kris could somehow hear it.

"Hi," he squeaked, blushing heavily.

Kris' eyes rested in his. They were deep purple.

Slowly, the corner of his mouth crept up into a teasing grin. "Why are you blushing like that, Foxie? Did you have naughty dreams?"

Fox quickly shook his head. "N-no. Absolutely n-not."

"Hmm." Kris' hand moved from his hip to his lower back and pulled him closer to him, so close that their bodies pressed close. Fox was sweltering; convinced that steam was almost coming out of his ears. A pleasant shiver slid down his spine as he felt Kris' breathing brush his ear. "When you do get them, I'd love to hear about them."

Fox got even warmer. "N-naughty dreams?"

Kris chuckled. His fingers found a way into his curls. Again, his breath stroked along his ear until his lips found Fox's neck, leaving small kisses. "Yeah. The dreams where I kiss every inch of your beautiful body and where you touch me wherever you want."

Fox was startled when the blood rushed to his waist and didn't know where to look when something came to life there.

Kris' grin widened. Could he feel it? Panic swept through him. Before Fox realized what was happening, he began to shrink and his skin became rosier. Oh no!

A grunt came from his mouth. Like every time this happened, shame took over and he wanted to run away. Before he'd turned around and was about to sprint toward the exit of the wigwam, Kris scooped him off the ground and put him down on his chest.

"You stay here," he laughed, tickling him behind his ears. "Come back here, Foxie."

His fingers caressed his back and Fox grunted softly. He lowered himself onto his stomach and the tension eased, allowing him to change back. Fortunately, at least this time he had taken his clothes with him during the transformation.

Kris put an arm around him and stroked his face with his other hand. Fox blushed when he realized he was still on top of his boyfriend. Kris kissed him tenderly and then looked at him.

"With me, you have nothing to be ashamed of, Foxie. Not of the things you feel, nor of the things you long for." He held his gaze. "Or of the very things you don't want. Agreed?"

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