Chapter 3 - Remember

Start from the beginning

Me and the woman screamed with terror as the other two laughed hysterically.

The woman scooped up the little boy and swung him around in a circle.

"You cheeky boys!" She teased as the boy couldn't stop giggling.

The man hoisted me up in his arms before throwing me up in the air, and catching me again.

I screamed in delight.

"Did we scare you?" He chuckled into my ear. I dropped my smile and nodded with a pout. He moved his mouth to my ear.

"Next time, you can help us scare your mum too," he whispered. I giggled.

"I heard that!" My mother hissed while hugging the little boy tightly. She walked over and kissed me on the top of my head. And then she smacked my father on the back of the head.

"Hey!" He whined while gripping her around the waist and pulling us together, sandwiching us two kids. We shrieked.

My mother pulled away,

"Alright, I better get dinner started-"

An explosion rumbled from somewhere outside, making the ground shake. My father gripped me tighter.

"Get to the basement," He ordered deathly serious, while grabbing my brother out of my mother's arms. We heard gunshots and screams outside.


As my father ran down the hall, everything around me turned to black dust. My mother, father, and brother disappearing from my sight. The house nothing more than black smoke. I stood in the dark abyss I remember all too well from my dreams. I heard voices echoing from somewhere outside my cage.

"The process has begun, it should take a few hours," I recognized the voice as Dr Crawford. "The other girl is in the room across... you may begin on her. And... be careful about her friends. Those boys are persistent,"

I tried screaming. But my mouth just opened, no sound leaving my lips.

And then I was whisked away in a flurry of smoke, dust, and night.

"No! Please leave them!" My mother screeched while holding onto me and my brother's hands. A soldier had both me and him under his arms, pulling us away from her on the cold snow ground, under the pitch-black night. I screamed under his rough grasp.

"Miss let go!" The soldier ordered coldly.

"No!" She screeched, tears running down her face while hanging onto us by our fingers. The soldier kicked at her stomach to try and get her to let go, but she didn't.

"Get the fuck away from her!" A male voice bellowed. My father. A few meters behind. Another soldier appeared and punched him across the face making him collapse to the ground. The soldier pulled out a gun... and shot him in the head. My brother and I screamed. My mother screeched, finally losing our grasp.

"Take care of each other," She wept while crumpling to the ground.

"Mummy!" We both shrieked as the soldier carried us further away from our parents.

We kept screaming and kicking the soldier until he threw us into a train. We softly cried while holding each other in the carriage filled with hundreds of other sobbing children.

Another flurry of smoke and darkness...

I tapped the computer screen in front of me. Hydrogen, helium, lithium, and beryllium. I memorized the periodic table before me.

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