I just wanted to feel pretty

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*Snow has requested a private chat with charming*

Snow-charming why are you in my closet trying on my dresses?

Charming-what I'm not

Snow-charming I can see you from here

Charming- i'm not trying them on I'm just trying to find my pants

Snow-first of all why would your parents be in my closet and second of all this is creepy

Charming-it's not creepy

Snow-okay let me paint a picture for you you walk into your apartment go into your bedroom open up your closet door and see your husband standing in your closet trying on your dresses

Charming- I just wanted to feel pretty

Snow- OMG Charming r u drunk

Charming-not drunk enough to do this
*knocks snow out takes off dress puts dress back in closet put snow in bed goes to make coffee*

*10 minutes later*

Snow-charming where are you what happened why am I in bed

Charming-i'm making coffee you walked in and just as I said how are you passed out I put you in bed and I'm making coffee
*charming walks in with coffee*

Snow- oh thanks hubby wait are those my new pearl earrings!

Charming- what no!
*Takes earrings off chunks in the other direction*

Snow- omg they where!
*smells charming's breath*
OMG u r drunk

Charming-I just wanted to feel pretty!
*knocks snow out again goes to try on dresses until she wakes up*

A/N:made this chapter because I got really sad today and my mom cheered me up by making a joke about what if we walked in on dad trying on her dresses and I couldn't stop laughing so I had to make a texting chapter out of it😂

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