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In the heart of the realm of Eldoria, a kingdom shrouded in an unyielding coldness that seemed to seep into every corner, there stood a grand and imposing palace. Its towering walls echoed with an icy silence, mirroring the demeanor of the ruler who sat upon its throne – King Knox, a man of 38 years marked by a stoic and unwavering presence.

King Knox, renowned for his cold and distant nature, had garnered a reputation that left him isolated in the royal corridors. Though he ruled with wisdom and justice, his heart remained untouched by warmth and love, rendering his life a lonely existence amidst the responsibilities of the throne.

Yet, in the midst of this icy kingdom, an unexpected ray of warmth emerged in the form of Amaria, a sweet and kind-hearted commoner of 25 years. Born into humble beginnings as the daughter of a benevolent baker on the outskirts of Eldoria, Amaria's simple and loving nature had endeared her to the entire community.

Fate intervened when a chance encounter brought Amaria to the royal palace. Delivering a fresh batch of bread to the royal kitchens, her kindness and beauty captured the attention of King Knox. Drawn to her in a way he had never experienced, he decided to break the cold chains that bound his heart and chose Amaria to be his bride.

This unexpected union sent ripples of surprise and curiosity throughout the kingdom. Summoned to the palace, Amaria learned of the King's intentions, and the announcement of their impending marriage puzzled the entire realm. A commoner was to become the Queen of Eldoria, and with her, the promise of thawing the frozen heart of King Knox.

However, King Knox's past held another element – a son from his previous marriage named Alexander, a bright and spirited boy of four. Having known little warmth since the passing of his mother, Alexander found solace and attachment in Amaria, creating a touching and profound bond that stirred the cold chambers of the palace.

As the grand and opulent wedding day approached, the kingdom of Eldoria held its collective breath. The people wondered if the sweet commoner, Amaria, could truly be the key to thawing their King's frozen heart. The tale of King Knox, Amaria, and young Alexander was poised to unfold – a story of coldness and warmth, of solitude and love, with the promise of a transformation that the kingdom had longed for. The grand celebration awaited, carrying the hopes of a kingdom yearning for a happy ending.

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