character introduction

ابدأ من البداية

The UNIQ band

Wang yibo , Li wenhan, Kim sung joo, Zhou Yixuan , cho seung youn ..............are best friend

There are five members in this band and they are all close friends of each other.They attended school and college together since childhood and built their careers together. So they have reached this far today through hard work.

 So they have reached this far today through hard work

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Wei Wuxian

A successful businessman from China.

Age 40 years

He is usually quite, calm .
But earlier he was very cheerful, seamless, drama king ,talked a lot and prank to everyone. The difference between the previous Wuxian and the current Wuxian is .

Ex husband :  Lan zhan ( Wang ji)

Adopted son : Wei yuan

Present wife: Zhao lusi  (This marriage is a contract marriage And a fake marriage)

Relatives: brother jiang cheng and Sister Yanli.

Wuxian and Zhao lusi have a daughter. her name is Wei yifi.

Wuxian hates Lan zhan and he knows nothing about their son yibo.

Wuxian hates Lan zhan and he knows nothing about their son yibo

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Wei yuan

Adopted son of Wei Wuxian

Age : 22

Calm nature, Cheerful nature.

He is studying medicine.He loves his foster father very much but he does not love his foster mother.He is not loved by any of his foster sisters because both his foster mother and foster sister are very greedy. But he loves his  Baba Lan zhan a lot and misses him a lot

He usually stays in a hostel away from his home for studies.

He usually stays in a hostel away from his home for studies

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
 My angel will judge me.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن