Bugs: Kate leave the parenting to the parents. Rory you are too young to go to a casino!

Rory: that's what she just said!

Lola: doesn't matter your still grounded

Rory: what?!

Yosemite Sam drove next to them holding dynamite

Kate: dynamite? who has dynamite?!

Daffy: welcome to my world

Rory: the real question you should be asking is who doesn't!

DJ: hang on!

DJ made turned around really fast through traffic and then kept going. Bugs daffy Lola and Rory were super dizzy

Rory: b-best car chase ever!

DJ: it's not over yet!

DJ looked through his rearview mirror to see that Yosemite Sam was still behind them but were heading towards a brick wall

Bugs: Just a suggestion but all those in favor of not hitting that brick wall say 'aye'

All: AYE!

Rory casually ripped her bucket list in half and then started screaming with everyone else

Daffy: Mother

Spy Car GPS: Taking you to Mother

Lola: wait what-

Suddenly the spy car activated it jets and flew off. Then something caused Yosemite Sam to go flying in the air

Bugs: Look a shooting star. Quick everybody make a wish!

Lola: remember Rory don't say what it is or it won't come true

Rory: I know exactly what I want to wish for!

Daffy: You know I'm beginning to think that this one is the spy car!

Kate: what?

Lola facepalmed and Rory noticed all the buttons

Rory: there are so many buttons... I must press them all!

Rory tired to jump to the front seat but bugs held her back

Bugs: oh no you don't! You're not crashing another car!

Kate: another?

Lola: so sit down and keep your seatbelt on

Rory: fine...

Rory sat down and put on her seatbelt

Spy Car GPS: Mother in 10 minutes.

Kate: So what are your plans now if I may ask?

Bugs: Daffy will save us

Bugs and Lola: He's the hero!

Daffy: Alright bucktooth's stick a carrot in it!

Rory: hey DJ what time is it? I'm supposed to go to bed soon. Not that I have a bedtime I can go to bed whenever I want!

DJ: Everybody calm down all right? I can handle this!

DJ pulls the lever without realizing that it stops the spy car and now they're all falling

All: AHHH!!!

Bugs keeps screaming until he coughs. He sprays himself on his mouth then screams louder. Then Daffy called warner bros

Daffy: Sell my Warner Brothers stock! I got an inside tip that Bugs Lola and Rory bunny are about to die!

Rory: WAIT WHAT?! I thought we could survive anything!!

Lola grabbed Daffy's phone and threw it out the window

Daffy: Hey!

Suddenly the spy car stopped right when it was about to hit the ground in the desert

Bugs: Huh out of gas

Lola: that was a close one

Kate: What? It doesn't work like that!

Then the spy car finally hit the ground

Bugs: thanks Kate

Rory: huh the car crashed and it wasn't my fault!

The six of them decided to set up camp

Bugs: I'm telling you Daffy I heard the Warner Brothers say you were their best duck

Lola: they all want you back

Daffy: Flattered though I may be flattened I will not in order for you to get the laughs. It's all 'whoo hoo! Yuk yuk!' And then 'bam wham blam!'

Rory: haha! Never gets old!

Bugs: your tail is on fire.

Daffy: Exactly my point-

Bugs: No really your tail's on fire

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