It's Just Murder

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Everything was going well on the ride until the inmates' chopper was hit by gunfires. The chopper lost concentration as it descended because both of the pilots were shot dead.

The helicopter tilted, and every prisoner clung to their seat. M/N crossed his arms as if nothing was happening while Harley let out a scream.
M/N was irritated when he woke up from his dream in which he was back at his office, murdering people who owed him money, pimping prostitutes, killing children, and carelessly inhaling all the tobacco in the world. Yes, M/N misses those times, but he's stuck with a group of weird, multicolored drug addicts these days.

When they got closer and closer to the ground the helicopters wheels flew off and the aircraft shifted. The helicopter crashed on the ground and flipped over multiple times. Black smoke began to fill the aircraft.

The other plane, fully occupied by soldiers, remained undamaged. When the plane touched down, a ramp collapsed, releasing all of the men. They scampered around, guns drawn, surveying the surroundings.

Amanda stared at the screen with a expression that showed that she was praying for Flag to come out alive.

After stepping out of the chopper, each prisoner dismissed themselves.

"Whoo! What a ride!"
Harley gave a loud cry and leaped from the chopper. M/N left last since he had prepared his katana in case of emergency while keeping it unseen.

When they arrived in the city, the lights were more brilliant than a November Christmas tree.

As M/N approached Slipknot, they all got to moving. M/N murmured to Slipknot as he bent toward his ear.

"Mind games."

"What's that?"
Slipknot looked at M/N in an attempt to get a closer look.

"Everything. There's nothing inside our necks. They're lying about everything. They are tricking us to slave for them by scaring us. We are too scared to get our fucking heads blown off and they know it. But in truth there are no bombs. We are free to do whatever the fuck we want."

"How do you know this?"

"Trust me. I've been here before, not a pretty place but after me and my team learned it was just lies we escaped. We can do that right now. I'm going to leave but the question is, are you coming?"

M/N questioned Slipknot's intelligence as he glanced at him. They exchanged a glance after staring at one another. Slipknot nodded at M/N without saying anything.

M/N smiled, knowing that his strategy had succeeded. Slipknot grinned too, and together they plotted their getaway.

Everyone continued to walk as usual, oblivious to the impending events.

Slipknot nodded to M/N, and the two exchanged a look. A soldier was kicked down by Slipknot, and M/N punched a nearby soldier in the face.

Katana leaped to her feet and charged M/N. Katana was fast, but not as fast as M/N. M/N fired at Katana with his Beretta. Katana screamed and swiftly performed a front flip to evade the bullet, but M/N instantly raised his rifle and fired at Katana.

As much as M/N would love to bang Katana she was going to kill him. M/N shot at Katana and the bullet grazed her shoulder as she dodged in the air.

While they were preoccupied, Slipknot fled. He fired his slingshot and nailed it to a nearby structure. After making the necessary adjustments, he pushed a button to raise himself onto the structure.

Now that he was holding his Katana, M/N was able to pin Katana beneath him. Comparing their Katanas with one another. With a groan, Katana utilized her might to push M/N off of her. She slashed him in the right shoulder with her katana, rendering his dominant arm unusable as he tumbled backwards.

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