Chapter 26 - The Windsor Agreement

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Once the interview had been finally aired, everyone watching it became infuriated, especially the Queen, Charles William, and Helena. The Queen then summoned her private secretary to write a statement for publication. For two hours, the Queen wanted Charles William, and Helena to be the three direct successors to the British throne. And then the official statement from the British royal family went out on social media.

 And then the official statement from the British royal family went out on social media

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Next Day

Windsor Castle

At 10:30 a.m., the meeting between the Royal Family (The Queen, Charles Prince of Wales, William Duke of Cambridge, and Princess Helena of Cambridge) and the Earls of Sussex began.

Queen: Good morning to everyone here at Windsor Castle. We are gathered here to discuss and finalize once and for all the titles of the Earls of Sussex, their children, their legitimacy, and finally whether Harry will continue in the line of succession to the British throne and his descendants. I want to hear first from Harry and then from Meghan, why they always denigrate both the image of the British royal family and its members and the image of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.

Harry: Good morning to everyone gathered here, Grandma...

Queen: Harry, I'm the Queen now, not Grandma.

Harry: Very well. Meghan and I are here because we've been called, we're only going to talk about the truth, and also our decisions about the two books we've both released, and also the legitimization of our children and also my position in the line of succession of both myself and my children.

Queen: Meghan.

Meghan: Her Majesty, Charles William Helena, and everyone here at this meeting. Since Harry and I left the royal family we have wanted to be independent of money, we have signed contracts with two major global companies Netflix where we have made three documentaries "Harry and Meghan" "Invictus Games" and finally "Commonwealth" and Spotify where I have made three seasons either talking about family loss mental health, where also Harry has made two seasons talking about family mental health. We look forward to hearing your questions for us.

Queen: Charles.

Charles: As a father, grandfather, and also future sovereignof the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, I am angry and disappointed with you both. You have tarnished the name of my family of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, my mother, my father and I have seen it reborn to this day. I am furious to know why I still can't see any pictures of my granddaughter Lillibeth, are they hiding her I want answers I don't want short ones!!!

Queen: Anybody want to answer?

Meghan: Well, Harry and I have always agreed to keep our children safe. And we've always preserved our children's faces, whether there's a paparazzi or not.

Queen: Will.

William: I just have a few questions for them to answer. Firstly, months before they left the royal family there was a newspaper headline that read "Dukes of Sussex to sign deals with Netflix and Spotify. Workers at both companies were shocked." Second question: before the pandemic started, did you intend to live in a Commonwealth country or move to California in the USA? Third and last question why do you both hate the royal family so much the United Kingdom my family why?!? I WANT AN ANSWER FROM EACH OF YOU.

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