Chapter 16 - Final Year King's College + Oprah Univ.Liv + Covid+Oprah (2021)

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After the New Year, Helena returned to her studies with her colleagues and teachers online via the PC via Zoom, in which they resumed their studies.

Teacher: Class, I want you to welcome Lucy Worsley author historian and adjunct editor of the Royal Historical Palaces.

The students present at the zoom welcomed Lucy

Teacher: Lucy is free to talk about the Windsor dynasty.

Lucy: Thank you very much.

Teacher: You're welcome.

Lucy: The Windsor dynasty is descended from several dynasties such as the Plantagenets and older ones of the Vikings, Charlemagne, the Scottish kings and so on. In 1901 Queen Victoria who reigned for 63 years died, leaving a huge legacy, her eldest son Albert Edward became King Edward VII. Edward's main interests were in foreign affairs and military and naval affairs. Fluent in French and German, he made several visits abroad (in 1904 he visited France - a visit that helped to create the climate that made possible the subsequent Anglo-French entente cordiale); he was related to almost all continental sovereigns and came to be known as the 'uncle of Europe'.

Edward VII also played an active role in encouraging military and naval reforms, pushing for reform of the Army Medical Service and modernization of the home fleet. In the last year of his life he was involved in the constitutional crisis brought on by the refusal of the Conservative majority in the Lords to pass the Liberal budget of 1909. Edward died before the situation could be resolved by the Liberal victory in the election in 1910. He died at 6 May 1910, at age 68, he was in Westminster Hall, where a quarter of a million people had paraded before his body. On 20 May he was buried in St George's Chapel, Windsor. His son George became King George V.

King Edward VII - (1901 - 1910) 2x father of Queen Elizabeth II and 4x father of Charles III

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King Edward VII - (1901 - 1910) 2x father of Queen Elizabeth II and 4x father of Charles III

George V's reign began amid the ongoing constitutional crisis over the House of Lords, which refused to pass a bill of Parliament limiting its powers (which would remove its power to veto a bill from the House of Commons). After the Liberal government obtained the King's promise to create enough peers to overcome Conservative opposition in the Lords (and won a second election in 1910), the Parliament Bill was passed by the Lords in 1911 without mass peer creation. .

George visited India in 1911, the only monarch to do so as King-Emperor. He was accompanied by his wife, Queen Mary. In 1914 the First World War broke out. The king made more than 450 visits to troops and more than 300 visits to hospitals visiting wounded servicemen, pushed for proper treatment of German prisoners of war and also pushed for more humane treatment of conscientious objectors.

 The king made more than 450 visits to troops and more than 300 visits to hospitals visiting wounded servicemen, pushed for proper treatment of German prisoners of war and also pushed for more humane treatment of conscientious objectors

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