Chapter 13 - Kings College + Wedding of Harry & Meghan (2018)

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After New Year's Eve, preparations for the royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle began. January and February Between these two months, at the college guest professors like Dan Jones talked about the Plantagenet Dynasty.

 Dan: What we do know about the Plantagenets is that since Empress Matilda daughter of Henry I of England, this Empress granddaughter of William the Conqueror married the German Emperor Henry V who had no children and he died at 38 or 45 years of age, she remarried to the Count of Anjou Henry of Plantagenet in which they had children, the first who would become the 1st King of England Henry II. Matilda's father died the council members didn't want a woman to rule themselves the barons' lords so they paid tribute to Stephen and crowned him king, this then came to the Civil War better known as "The Anarchy". This war lasted about 15 years thousands of soldiers died on battlefields until they formed a treaty in which Estevão remains as king and as successor to Matilda Henrique's son. Henry II's reign was marked by family wars between his sons, the assassination of the Archbishop of Canterbury Beckett, and also laws which the separation of powers, court of justice, and land foundation among many things. The reign of Richard I Heart of the Lion was the Third Crusade to the Holy Land, in which they lost he was arrested and which ruined the kingdom's coffers, and then released. I will now show you some documentaries, but I warn you that in four weeks I want between 5 and 15 pages written either in pen or written on the computer, and more can include gene trees, this is all for a final note:

In the four weeks that followed, the princess managed to write more than 20 pages with genealogical trees, summaries of the reigns of the Plantagenet kings, documents, and monuments that were built during the reign of the civil wars. Also during these weeks, Helena plus her younger sister and mother went to dress fittings for the wedding at Windsor Castle.

 Meghan: Charlotte, is the dress okay?

Charlotte: Yes, but, but I want a little more room, it's too tight for me. 

 Meghan: Oh my god, I'm going to call the seamstress darling. While Meghan went to fetch the seamstress, Kate entered the room.

 Kate: What's up, daughter? 

Charlotte: Meghan asked if the dress was ok and I said yes but I also said I wanted a little flared up because it's too tight.

Kate: Okay, and your sister where is she? Has she tried on the dress yet?

 Charlotte: I don't know, but I think she already proved it from what Aunt Meghan told me.

With Meghan and the seamstress already inside, and repairing small details Kate talked to Meghan. 

 Kate: So how did Helena's dress fitting go? 

 Kate: So how did Helena's dress fitting go? 

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