The Best Jewelry Store in the Three Realms

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He Xuan was currently at the hellhole that was Paradise Manor, accompanied by someone who he and the heavens consider the devil.

"You know, I think you're missing something," Hua Cheng mused, glancing at He Xuan's ears for a moment. Why on earth was he eyeing his ears? Fucking pervert.

"Oh really? And what might that be, Crimson Rain?" He Xuan inspected his nails for a moment, the absolute picture of indifference. Hua Cheng could never put on a mask as smooth as Black Water's.

"Let's go shopping. You need earrings, something dangling and gold," Hua Cheng's own jewelry jangled as he walked. How on earth did he deal with that infuriating noise at all hours of the day? He Xuan doesn't think he's ever seen Hua Cheng without at least some of his signature jewelry on. His fish might not recognize their caretaker if he took it off, honestly.

He probably wouldn't either.

"Why, oh why, do I need earrings? Did you not catch the fact that I'll probably lose it in the water after two hours of having it?"

"No, you won't. C'mon, I know a place with the best jewelry in all the three realms."

"Let me guess, you secretly own, run, and create all the jewelry there?" Black Water said dryly.

"No. I think my picture is actually hung up on the wall because of how often I go there."

"I don't doubt you," he eyed the several pieces of jewelry adorning Hua Cheng, from his ears to his boots. Why do his boots need to have so much decoration?

Crimson Rain was truly the most extra bitch He Xuan had ever met. He and Shi Qingxuan would be terrifying if they joined forces, He Xuan thought with a shudder.

Once they reached a door at the end of the hall, Hua Cheng rolled two sixes and opened the door. His insanely convoluted teleportation array, that He Xuan heavily helped with, was probably the only good quality the Ghost King had.

The shop was small but dense. It was packed heavily with jewelry on shelves, behind glass, and on small mannequins for display. The walls were a cool off white, and the floors were medium brown wood. He Xuan's eyes glanced over the shop, but he did a double take when he saw the frame above the front desk.

It seemed he wasn't lying. There really was a picture of Hua Cheng, perfectly centered on the smoothly painted wall. The plaque underneath it read "Hua Cheng, Most Spent in One Year".

He Xuan snickered.

Hua Cheng had already starting poking around, his eye scanning over everything in the room. He suddenly stopped in front of a pair of golden tassels, holding them up. He violently waved him over, and He Xuan begrudgingly went.

"Put these on, right now," Hua Cheng demanded, shoving the earrings into his hands.

"My ears aren't pierced," He Xuan forgot about this earlier, but Hua Cheng only rolled his eyes.

"Gimme one second..." he pulled a needle out of his pocket and lined it up with He Xuan's earlobe. "And... there!" He pierced one ear, then did the other immediately. "Now put them in."

The tassels, as much as he hated to say it, were really nice. He Xuan actually liked them. After a few more moments, he took them out and nodded. "These actually aren't horrible," he says reluctantly.

"Of course they're nice. I picked them out."

Just then, the door opened. Three people entered, two tall men and an exhausted looking woman. Unfortunately, He Xuan and Hua Cheng both recognized these three.

Pei Ming looked around for a moment, seemingly surprised about the size of the shop. "Water Master-xiong, are you sure this is the place Qingxuan recommended?"

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