"Here your honour." He said and pressed some remote type thing.

What is this now?

Hasan ran towards that lawyer, took the remote and throwed it making the video to stop. Everyone was looking at me with those looks. I knew he is a monster but this is so much.

This idiots tears are also not stopping. Hasan was near the lawyer but thankfully Bilal Bhai and Hamid Bhai pulled him back. Someone tapped on my shoulder and I flinched again. It was baba. He pulled me closer and hugged me.

"Baba I promise it's not what it is looking trust me." I can't stop this tears now they are flowing countinously.

"I know princess I know." He said calmly caressing my shoulder. At this point I am crying mess in his embrace.

"Baba.. It's not..."

"Shush shush I know I know."

"Your honour you saw how Mr Hasan reacted infront of everyone. He clearly has anger issues and everyone saw that video it was one of her lover who she called in Mr Azam's house. We even have other proofs and she took the divorce by tricking Mr Azam and she even used to throw vases and other things on him."

"Are you defending anything do you have any proof to defend your client." Judge asked still looking confused.

"No your honour."

"Baba what is happening? We have gave him the proof." I looked at baba who was also numb at his place like everyone of us.

"I don't know bete."

Judge said to settle all of us down and we did as he said. I was still with baba and our so called lawyer sat with the opposition. Judge went somewhere maybe to discuss something.


Everyone settled on their seats and Fatima was still in her father's embrace crying continuously. Hasan was beside her gently caressing her back. Everyone was beyond shocked and angry. The lawyer was just glancing in fear.

Fatima sat straight and looked beside at Hasan.

"Hasan, I promise it's not.."

"Relax Fathi relax we know." He said calmly pulling her closer.

The video was about a man forcing Fatima.
Azam was looking at them with a smirk.

"Why is this happening? I didn't do anything. Why are they blaming me for everything." She asked hiccuping. Her head was on his shoulder clutching his arm, while he was caressing her arm.

Hasan looked at Hamid and Bilal who were in deep thoughts and shocked. With that the judge came back and everyone silenced themselves.

"The court came to a conclusion that as they are no proof to..." He was saying something but stopped in the middle. Akbar came out of nowhere and told something to the jury and he told the details in a low voice to the judge. He looked at Akbar and Akbar nodded.

"This court decided to give a one week time for another trial. Court is dismissed." He said and got up. Everyone was getting out except Hasan and Fatima's family. She was holding his hand like a child with continuous tears.

Akbar came towards them and everyone got up excluding Fatima.

"I knew this might happen. Don't worry we have time and let's go out from here and we can talk somewhere else."

"Thank you." Hasan looked at Fatima and his eyes softened looking at her. She was looking down lost in her thoughts.

"Fathi." He called softly but there was no response.

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