Chapter 4.

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"MashAllah my baby is looking so pretty."

I looked down shyly.
She kept her hand on my head and then kissed my forehead.

"You know that right. We are always here with you."


"Don't worry everything will be fine. You are going to be happy for the rest of your life. May Allah bless you my sweetheart."

A tear left my eyes. I hugged her tightly. She was just caressing my back and telling sweet sweet things.

"I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart." She said and kissed my head.
She cupped my face and looked at me with so much love and affection.

I opened my eyes and tears left my eyes rolling down my cheeks. I never had this beautiful dream. It really makes me feel so so happy, it was so peaceful to see her. Her sparkly eyes and her cutest smile. I love her so much.

I looked at the clock and gasped it was already 8am. Did I really slept that long without these deadly nightmare. Thank you so much Allah thank you so much. I listened some Quran verses as I can't read or offer my Salah for a week now.

I got up and went to freshen up. I wore my clothes and wore my hijab and locked the door and went down. Oh. Now I've to take cab with a strange man. I took some deep breath and book a cab.

I called for the cab and sat inside. He was seeing me through rare view mirror making my nervousness to go at it peak. I felt so disgusted and uncomfortable. Thank Allah I've reached the hospital without any unusual thing happening.

I got down and went inside. It was around 8:55am. I hurriedly went upstairs and put my bag and went downstairs. To my surprise there was almost no one. Except some 2, 3 nurses. I greeted them and checked some charts. After half an hour everyone came. I really want to see safa. I want to thank her, I don't know what would've happened if she was not there to help me yesterday. My thoughts got interrupted by some shouts. I looked up and my eyes widened seeing a man holding Hasan's collar.

"How dare you touch my wife." He shouted at Hasan but I flinched slightly listening his loud voice.

"Sir she needs CPR. Let me treat her first." Hasan was calm as if he handle it every other day.

I rushed towards them and saw a woman unconscious on the bed. Her heart beat was so low almost getting to nil.

"Will you shut up and go from here." I shouted at the man.

I started giving the woman CPR. After 5 minutes she was stable as I gave her some sedatives too.
He was standing in the corner with anger in his eyes. I don't know how I was so brave to shout at an unknown man. Hasan made sure he was not coming near the patient.

I looked at Hasan, he was already looking at me. I immediately lowered my gaze.

"How is she?" Hasan asked.

"Better." I said in low voice.

That man was coming near me and subconsciously I stepped back but to my surprise Hasan stood between us. His back was facing me.

"How is my wife?" He asked through gritted teeth making me fear.

"She is fine, she need some rest." Hasan answered casually.

"I'm taking her home, she can't be here with men around." That man stated in anger

"She need to be in observation." Hasan said in a cold voice.

"I DON'T CARE. I'M TAKING HER." He shouted making me flinch.

"This is hospital, keep your voice low." Hasan said in anger.

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