The new job

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It was the end of fourth year. Thomas his parents would pick her up and she would go home. Not now though. When she walked to them she greeted them until the headmistress stood next to them. Thomas had tears in his eyes.

'What? Why are y'all so dramatic, that's my job.' Noah exclaimed.

'Well, my father got a job at Hogwarts as dada teacher. So we have to move there.' Thomas said.

'Are you going to Hogwarts?' Noah asked.

'Yes, i will go there.' Thomas said, on the verge of tears.

'Then why are you crying?' Noah exclaimed.

'Because i am leaving you?' Thomas said confused.

'No you dumb fuck. Excuse me miss, I am coming with you.' Noah said, smiling at his face lightening up.

'But it was always your dream to go to Ilvermony?' Thomas quessed.

'Yes, but our platonic love is much, much and much more important.' Noah said, emphasizing the platonic.

'Oh my fucking god!' Thomas yelled, jumping around.

'Yes, this is where i come in. I fixed things with Dumbledore and your parents, you are going to Hogwarts.' The headmistress said, a tear leaving her eyes.

'Oh don't miss us.' Thomas cooed.

'Yes, you still have our big graffiti painting on your office door.' Noah said, Thomas flicking her ear in the process.

'That was you two?!' The woman exclaimed angrily.

'Time to go!' Thomas yelled, grabbing Noah and his mother's hand. They disapparated to their new house.


'Hold on, back the fuck up! This house is right next to ours!' noah yelled out.

'Yes, we worked had for it, but we managed it. And we already got your school stuff for fifth year. It is in your room.' Thomas his father exclaimed.

'Mine too?' Noah asked.

'Yes, your parents and we got it together.' He said.

Noah and Thomas looked at eachother, embracing each other. They put on their matching converse. It was really a pair of red and white converse swapped out, so they both had one of each. 

They promised to meet eachother outside in five minutes, getting changed into fresh clothes.

Noah rushed to her house, nobody home, as Remus was coming today towards 5 pm and her parents at work.

She rushed upstairs to her trunk. She flinged it open and grabbed her dark blue low rise jeans, Queen baby tee and hoodie. She quickly put them on. Then braided har hair into two french braids and grabbed her handchief. She speeded outside, seeing Thomas standing there.

'I got the cans.' Noah exclaimed, showing him the two backpacks that were piling of spray cans.

'Good.'He said, walking towards the forest, Noah following.

Once in the forest, they put on their handchief for two reasons. Obviously because it is unhealthy to breath in, but also because the police won't recognise them.

'Ok, plan?' Thomas asked Noah.

'Well, there is a wall in this mall. Just sneak there, its abandoned, really shitty, so just spray and go.' Noah explained.

'Ok, good plan.' Thomas said, putting on the hood of his jacket.

Noah did the same.


As they were writing their signatures under their finished drawing, the police came running at them. They collected their backpacks in no time and ran away. They were running for 2 hours until they finally lost them. They were close to their houses, so they went to Noah's house, as it was closest to the road. They came in huffing and puffing. 

'Remus?' Noah yelled.

'Who the fuck is that?' An unfamiliar voice whispered.

'That is my ... sister.' They heard Remus finish.

Then they decided to run in, as if they were in an action movie. They ran upstairs and hid all their cans, hid their handchiefs and grabbed their old clothes from earlier today. They quickly changed and walked downstairs.

'Hey Remus.' Noah greeted him casually, drinking a red bull.

'Hello, who is that?' Remus asked.

'Who?' Noah asked, faking confusion.

'That boy behind you.' Remus pointed out.

'Well, i am Thomas Dewblaze. Noah's partner in crime and basically her other brother.' Thomas answered for Noah.

'Okay. Chill.' Remus said, gesturing for the boys to go upstairs.

'Who are y'all?' Noah called after them.

But before they could answer, Remus dragged them upstairs. Not wanting their pranking brains to meddle with his prank sister.

'Tommy?' Noah said, drinking a second can of Red Bull.

'What?' Thomas said exagarrated.

'Remus doesn't know we are coming to Hogwarts. I think we should plan how to hide from him and his band of morons and make a great entrance. Show them who the real prankers are.' Noah said, smiling almost phsychopathic.

'Oh yes, come get the notebook.' Thomas said, rushing to his house and Noah waiting in her own.

After a few minutes he arrives at her house, not out of breath.

'I know exactly what to do. Open to page 394.' Noah demanded.

'Yes m'am.' Tommy saluted, skimming for the right page.

'Ah yes!' And Noah looked at the page.

'This is gonna be the best entrance ever!' They yelled in unison.

Noah Camilla LupinWhere stories live. Discover now