Getting the letters

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It was the middle of summer, Remus and Noah sitting outisde in the sun, chatting about random things. Until two brown owls dropped letters in front of them. Noah saw them and fainted. Ten minutes later she woke up, lying on the couch.

'What happened?' Noah questioned.

'You fainted!' Remus rubbed in her face.

'God damnit, didn't think that would happen, ruins my baddie image, ya know?' Noah questioned.

'Sure, sure. Look! You got two letters!' Remus exclaimed.

She opened and couldn't believe her eyes; a Hogwarts letter AND  an Ilvermony letter. Best. Day. Of. Her. Life.

'Which one are you gonna choose?' Remus asked her.

'I want Ilvermony,  but i don't wanna leave you...' Noah doubted.

'You need to go where you want, you can see me in the breaks.' Remus comforted her.

'Yes, i am going to Ilvermony!' Noah exclaimed, having waited for his words.


Noah was very excited for Ilvermony, a whole new continent. After a teary goodbye, she stepped onto the train. As she sat in a seat, a boy with Brown curly hair and green eyes sat next to her.

'Hello, i am Thomas, Thomas Dewblaze.' The boy said, ready to shake her hand.

'Hello, Thomas, Thomas Dewblaze. I am Noah Lupin. Can i call you Tommy?' Noah answered, shaking his hand.

'You can, sure.' The boy answered, happy he finally made a friend.

Hours passed by of the two bonding over their same type of humor, then a woman dressed in a blue and cranberry dress came to their seats and asked if they wanted something.

'We will take the lot!' Thomas said, taking Noah by suprise.

After the lady was away, Noah asked; 'Can i have some?'

'Of course, didn't think i was gonna eat this alone, did you?'Tomy said, gesturing to the pile of snacks and drinks.

Noah looked at the stack in bewilderment, then her eyes landed on a can with two bulls oppositing each other.

'What is this?' Noah said, pointing to the can in her hand.

'Oh that is Red Bull, sort of energy drink. Lots of sugar though.' Thomas mumbled, still some bubblegum in his mouth.

'Nice.' Noah says, opening the can and chugging it in one big gulp.

After a few hours, they came to a halt, picking up more kids. They looked out the window and saw a big graffiti painting on a wall.

'Wow, what is that?' Noah questioned Thomas.

'That is the best art from America. Graffiti, can show you if you'd like, i have some cans with me.' Thomas suggested.

'O my fucking god, yes!' Noah yelled, attracting the attention of most of the students in the train.

'heh heh heh.' Noah quietly laughed at their faces.


Noah Camilla LupinWhere stories live. Discover now