Chapter 28

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After the black one wakes up it doesn't take long for the white one to wake as well. When it's eyes fall on me the white wolf looks surprise. It takes me a second to realize what this means. 

1). These wolves are not native to this area

2). These wolves are fucking huge

3). They haven't killed me yet, there not even growling or trying to be intimidating, there just staring. 

There is only one explanation for this. I've read enough books for me to know that these wolves in front of me are not normal wolves.

Their werewolves. 

I smile at the thought and they both look at me confused. 

"Um, so, it's very obvious that you guys are werewolves, which it really cool, but please don't kill me or anything. I won't tell anyone about this, but if you just so happen to go to my school then please come talk to me 'cause that would be awesome. Also, I didn't actually take any pictures of you, so yeah, anyways, I'm just gonna go, so just, carry on with all your wolf stuff. Ok, bye, I guess." I turn around and run back through the woods towards my house, leaving the very obviously werewolves behind. 

I know enough about wolves to understand that wolf won't just let you run off, so that fact that I'm not being chased my two vicious wolves right now just proves my hypothesis(ooh, look at me with the fancy words). 



Ok, what the fuck just happened? I ask cal through our mind link. 

I think Cassie just found out about werewolves, but she can't really believe that, right? I mean she didn't see us shift or anything, Cal reasons. 

Oh, no Cal, she totally believes it. She's been waiting for ever for just the smallest bit of proof that werewolves exist, and we just gave it to her, I explained. 

So, are we gonna talk to her at school then? Cal asks. 

I guess so, I replied. What I really can't believe, though, is the fact that Cassie took one look at us and her first thought was, Oh yeah they're definitely werewolves. 


After being with Cal since yesterday, I finally make it to my own house. 

As soon as I step inside my dad spots me from his spot at the kitchen table. He looks at me from head to toe then a look of realization crosses his face. He smiles for a second before his expression changes and he sighs. 

"Look, congrats on the whole marking thing, but you do know that Syd and Ed are going to flip when they find out, right?" My dad tells me. I forgot that vampires sense are also heightened, not nearly as much as werewolves but still a lot better than humans. Vampires' thing is more manipulation, speed, and immortality. Anyway, I understand why he could tell right away what Cal and I did, I mean, everyone else in the pack did. 

I'm pulled away from my thoughts when Elsie comes running into the room. 

"Ali!" she shouts as she jumps into my arms. 

"Elsie!" I copy in the same energetic tone and spin her around in my arms. I set her down just as my papa and mom walk into the room.

"So, where have you been?" My papa asks in his interrogation voice, his arms crossed.

"At Cal's house, I had dinner with his parents yesterday and they introduced me to the pack," I explained. 

"Ah huh, and you were with Cal all night as well?" My mom asks suspiciously. 

"Yep," I reply.  

"Where did you sleep?" my papa asks. 

"In Cal's room."

"And were you both in the same bed," My mom asked. 

"Yes," I replied. My papa and mom look to each other and sigh before my papa asks in spanish,

"Did Cal mark you last night? like completely mark."

"Like with sex," My mom adds, back to english. 

"Mom!" I say embarrassed. 

"So did you?" my dad repeats. I blush from embarrassment from my parents asking me about my sex life. Even though I'm embarrassed I know that I can't lie to my parents so I mumble,

"Yeah." As soon as that small word leaves my mouth my mom and papa both start yelling at me, in both english and spanish. After about a solid five of scolding my dad speaks up.

"Hey, give the kids so slack. He's a werewolf who's found his mate, it's what they do. Wolves have a very high sex drive, he can't help it." When my dad finishes, im left in utter shock, my face beat red. 

"D-dad," I stuttered. 

"What? it's just the truth," he says. Just then, Elsie, who I forgot was in the room, speaks up. 

"What's sex?" she asks, her adorable innocent eyes looking up at me. 

", dad, and papa will tell you," I say, not really having a decent answer for her. She looks over to my parents, who are dumbfounded that she would ask that. 

"Well... its- Ed?" my mom starts but then looks to my papa. 

"Uh, well- actually, Vic knows the most about it sense he's the oldest out of all of us," my papa says, turning to my dad. As my dad stamers to come up with an answer, I slip up the stairs to my room. 

Although I have no idea how my parents are going to give her a reasonable, kid friendly explanation to her question, I'm still glad she asked it. Whether she knew it or not, she just got me out of an awkward conversation. 

Later that night, when I'm about to fall asleep, I remember the story alpha Xavier told me about my dad. The thought of it keeps me up all night. 

The Alpha's Moonlight Mate [boyXboy](Mpreg)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz