visiting the past

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The next day the eeveelutions start on their journey to the home of jade, cumulus's mother. Jade was a espeon who delt with prophecy and the supernatural. The group hoped that she would be able to help their electric friend who was suffering inside and out.

The trip took two days as Jade had isolated her self from society. No one knew how she would act with visitors.

The group soon arrived at a small cabin in the woods. It was beautiful. Many wind-chimes from different regions hung from the roof. While vines decorated the banisters and walls of the home. Cumulus stood there with the others unsure of what awaited them.

"I'm starting to get second thoughts" he gulped and stepped back. Tulip rested a paw on his shoulder "it our mother she will help tou cu cu." Cumulus looked at tulip and smiled "y-yeah, thanks tulip"

Cumulus walked up to the door. He took a deep breath before knocking. He stood there for a few seconds before the door opened. "Yes? Who is it?" A espeon answered the door, she was thin but beautiful. Her gem glittered in the sunlight.

"Hi, mom" Cumulus muttered. Jade looked at him "cumulus?? Is that you?" Jade looked at him from head to toe "it is you! Oh my boy! What brings you here? Can I get you anything?" Jade hugged him as she rambled. " tight" cumulus gasped.

Jade let go and apologizes. "Please come inside all of you, I'll make some tea." She motioned for the group to follow. Inside was what one could say was organized chaos, papers and books where everywhere. "Oh my I wasn't expecting guests so please mind the mess" Jade called from the kitchen.

Everyone sat down as Jade walked out with a tray of herbal tea. As soon as everyone was settled Jade turned towards Cumulus. "So, what brings you son?" She asked. "Well you see...something is happening to me" he tried to explain but didn't know how. Silver spoke up "ma'am do you know the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?" He asked.

Jade looked at him "why yes I do, but what does this have to do with cumulus?" She inquired. "Well you see. His personality switches on occasion but the thing is this other side of him is incredibly violent" Silver explained "I like to call this side of him yandere cumulus"

Hade listened intently. "I see, I've heard of this type of thing but never this extreme" she levitated a book towards her self "I've delt with a similar situation like this only once before but the same method should work." She opened the book. "We must manifest the opposite side into a physical form to completely destroy it"

Just then cumulus chuckled darkly "oh mother do you really think that's enough to stop me?~" He lifted his head with a sadistic grin "all I want is amethyst to be mine~"

All head turn to amethyst. She sat there unable to speak. Midnight held her "the regular cumulus would never want to force her into anything you monster" the umbreon growled. "Monster? Well that's a bit harsh by dark friend~" cumulus used quick attack to grab amethyst "now you don't want me to accidentally hurt her do you?~" he grinned before turning to amethyst. "Now amethyst my love, why don't we seal this with a kiss?~" before she could speak the jolteon shoved his lips onto hers. She struggled but he was too strong.

He soon broke the kiss and looked at the others "now what to do with you?~" he grinned madly.

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