chapter 4

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amelia and her mum drove home at 5pm after a long day of looking around the orange clan headquarters.

amelia was still in shock that she saw rowan there but she didn't get a chance to speak to him. she was going to ask him tomorrow at school but she'd have to do it privately so nobody found out her secret.

amelia went into the bathroom, jumping slightly when she turned the light on and looked in the mirror; she wasn't used to being orange yet.

she had a shower and went to sleep, hoping that there was more of an explanation provided to her tomorrow.

*the next day*

amelia got ready for school and her orange tone had faded slightly and now looked like a strong suntan. she sighed in relief as she wouldn't have to explain why she had turned neon over the weekend.

as soon as she was in school, she looked around for rowan but couldn't find him anywhere. she sat through every class and even checked outside at lunch. her other friends began to grow confused but didn't ask her why she kept leaving.

at the end of the day amelia walked home to her mum's house and discovered a note on the kitchen table.

was urgently needed at the OC headquarters. you know the way there on the bus if you need me - mum x

wait.. had something happened? is this why rowan wasn't in school? amelia needed to know what was going on, so she immediately got on the bus and headed to the headquarters disguised as a waitrose.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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