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Hello, I apologize in advance if there are mistakes, English is not my native language. 😊

Aqua... Ruby... Sorry to leave you alone... My conscience escapes me little little then I see nothing.
Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my chest that forces me to open my eyes.
A blinding light burns my eyes and I close them immediately.

"Daddy! What is she doing?"

I hear a childish voice.
Something's wrong, I'm supposed to be dead... right?

"No idea." I'm not an expert on babies.

This time it's a deep voice.

-Aqua! How can you be so insensitive to your own daughter!

I am so surprised that I almost opened my eyes. Aqua... Like my son?
I had to check so I opened my eyes gently.
There were three people around me.
A little boy with blue hair and green blues, and two adults who looked strangely like Aqua and Ruby.
No, no, no! They did not look like them, it was VERY WELL them!!
Kyyyyyyyaaaa!!! Wait, that means I reincarnated myself, ... in the body of my son's daughter??
Ruby continued, ignoring my inner misunderstanding:

"Nevertheless, it gives me such pleasure that you named her Ai, comme maman!"

Discretion Ruby! It's a secret!

"Of course," replied Aqua, in a disinterested manner.

Wait a second, is it me or does Aqua look... different?

Ruby leaned over me and smiled:

-Welcome to the world... Ai Hoshino II!!


I have been in this maternity ward for a few days and two important things have happened to me:
- The first is that I have FINALLY adapted to what was happening to me.
- The second is that I met my new mother 🫶🏻!
If I understand correctly, her name is Akane. She is really very pretty (you have good taste my son!) and she seems to really like me. It makes me strange, because in my previous life my mother wasn't exactly affectionate. She didn't even come back for me after she got out of prison. And she beat me.

At the same time, I met my brother, Yuto, who's three years older than me!

He seems nice too.

Do I really have the right to wish for a loving family after all the lies I told in my past life?

Have I been granted a new life to make up for my tragic death?

I've no idea! Thinking about all this gives him a headache, so he might as well not think about it!

By listening carefully to the nurses (they're very chatty 😅), I found out that my mother was an actress like my son... Er, my father! Oh dear, I'm not going to get away with this!

Ruby is an actress and an idol.

Idol... Will I ever be an idol again?

I really don't know. I admit that my death put me off it a bit but... I don't really know how to do anything other than show business.

Speaking of dilemmas, should I tell Aqua and Ruby that I'm their reincarnated mother? Here too I'm at a loss. I'm thinking of Akane, who would probably prefer to have a normal daughter.

But then... I left Aqua and Ruby so quickly...

They must have suffered so much! Wait, is that why my son is as different as when I met him? Oh no, if that's the case, I'd be so sorry.

My heart pinches and I want to cry. I'd like to apologise, but no matter how much I've adapted, it still feels strange. It's as if I'd left the three-year-old Aqua and Ruby, only to find them as adults the next day.

Anyway. On the other hand, if they've come to mourn me, I'd better not tell them my secret, it would hurt them too much. I know they adored me.

What hurts even more is knowing that I missed everything about their lives. Their entry into primary school, secondary school, high school, their first boyfriends, the birth of Yuto, ...

Suddenly I hear the door open and see Aqua walk in. When he sees that I don't look very well, he narrows his eyes and approaches me. He looks panicked and a bit embarrassed at not knowing what to do. Then Mum enters the room too. When she sees me, she rushes towards me and hugs me.

-Shhh... It's all right now. Mum's here now.

My eyes widen. This affection feels strange, I get a warm feeling in my chest, like when Aqua and Ruby did the fan chorus at my promotional concert.

Is this... being loved?

I love it.

I feel like I'm going to love and enjoy this new life I've been given.


Here's the first chapter🙂


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