Splinter had very kindly offered her tea, having a conversation with her.

"How?" The teen asked, not being able to resist the question. She eagerly awaited an answer from the older mutant, who merely smiled.

Not long ago-- well, before the mutation of course... and, before losing his wife-- never mind- Long ago, he had a friend. A man...

"Tang Shen, found his body flowing in the stream nearby."

"... I'm sorry for his behaviour. "

Splinter let out a low chuckle. He had just met the girl, it was true. But, he'd heard things from his friend.

His friend, F/N, whom he had met a... long time ago. They were mere adolescents. He met Tang Shen, feelings were starting to grow. And, then one day, out together, they came across the other boy. He survived, of course. Although his reasons for being in such a state were rather... foolish- despite that, after the first meet, he became an acquaintance. Soon, he became a friend. A friend that felt like a family.

He was there when Tang Shen was pregnant. While Yoshi had already his family, F/N had only tied the knot with the woman he fell for. He talked about having a daughter too someday, and how, his daughter would be good friends with Miwa.


"And, then, I'll have to walk her down the aisle-" a younger F/N sobbed, biting his lip.

He sat near the stream with his friend. While he was sobbing over his daughter, who was yet to be here, his friend threw rocks in the water.

"You... you married M/N... two months ago... " Yoshi reminded, patting his friend's back as he tried to hold back a laugh.

"Yeah, but- when I do have my daughter, I'll still have to do it, " the other man replied, taking a rock from his friend and tossing it in the water.

"What if it's a son?"

The rock sunk right at the first hit.

"Nah, it'll be a girl. However, if it is a son, then... I'll pay 20 dollars to Juanito. I don't mind though."


"Forget that! You should have a son!"

The dark-haired man merely chuckled, shaking his head at the other man's words.

"We just had Miwa, F/N."

"Yeah, I know that-- you should have more kids and then, our kids can like, form a gang of some sort when they're older. And, then they'll fight against Saki. 'Cause, he's rude."

"... Have you thought of a name?"

"Uh, yeah."


"Y/N, " the teen mumbled her name, nodding as she took a sip of her tea with a faraway look in her eyes.

"How is... F/N?" Splinter questioned, putting his cup down as he looked at the girl with much intent. Years had passed since he'd turned into who he was now. He wondered how his friend was, there was no hope of seeing him but, if he could at least know how he was...

"He's... happy, " Y/N hesitated but, eventually smiled at the rat. "I hope."

Seeing the look, his eyes widen in the slightest. There truly was no more hope for seeing him again.

"I hope so too," he mumbled, earning a grateful nod from Y/N.

It was rather hurtful to see how she was already having to face things as such. He would think back to his daughter sometimes... at least she was there... somewhere. He didn't know where but, just the thought that she lived was all he needed. Yet, with Y/N, there was no thought to give her solace. He didn't know what she must've been through. But, he knew it was a lot.

"I can't express my gratitude to you for helping my sons when they were out on their own," Splinter spoke up once more after a moment of silence.

"I- uh, yep, it's nothing," Y/N's eyes widened as she forced out a strained smile, faking a cough before quickly looking away. There was no need to mention how she and her friends almost ran them over.

"It was your father, wasn't it?" He asked, the girl already knowing what he meant.

"It was."

"How long?"

"Erm.. 10?"

"Very well."


The door to the dojo was slid open, revealing Splinter. Everyone glanced his way, the most anxious gaze belonging to Leo, who quickly stood up, walking over to him.


"My sons," he began, the four turtles listening to him. "Y/N will now be learning alongside you four from now onwards."

Aaaand--- silence.

". . ."


Y/N poked her head out, standing behind the older mutant. A wide grin--- covering up her fretting nerves--- painted her face as she pointed a finger gun at the furious turtle.

"Her father was my friend, a long time ago," Splinter mentioned, Y/N walking up to stand beside him. "He learned with me... and, now... his daughter will learn with you."

"Why can't she just learn from her own dad or something!?" Raph retorted, making Y/N gasp.

"Don't you remember what I told you?? He can't teach me!"

"And, why not??"

"I'm alive."


"He's not."

"... Oh, that-"

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

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