I pick him up and position him on the couch but he pays me no mind, continuing to chew his little snack. I hear off another piece to pass to him so he could eat that when he wants.

"Baby look, I did it." Amir smiles as he walks into the living room with a vintage car lego set. Amir confessed a lot of his childhood trauma and I loved that I could always bring the child out of him whenever we was together.

"It looks good, i'll give it to you." I chuckle, shaking my head. He was such a baby but i'll still yell out my man. "You gonna give that to Ajani?"

"Hell no, just so he can smash it like he did to the other one?" He sucked his teeth which made me laugh.

"He's y baby, he can never do anything wrong. It was a accident." I defend him, looking down to him. He was not bothered at all, just eating his little cinnamon rolls.

"How many times are you guys gonna watch Spiderman?" Amir asks, looking at the screen.

"My son loves it so as many times as he wants." I retort  and samir raises his hands in defeat. "That's what I thought."

He finds his way over to me before putting a arm over me and pulling me closer to him so I could lay on his chest. Nobody liked physical contact the way Amir did.

"More mama." Ajani poked my side before putting his mini hand out to get more food. I tore off another piece which was slightly bigger before passing it to him and he smiled with his gummy teeth before basically devouring it.

"We should go to Disney world, i've never been there before." Amir said and I turned to face him.

"I've known you all this time and i've never knew that, how have you never been to disney world before?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"I font know..hmm maybe because we was broke?" He asked sarcastically and I rolled my eyes. To be fair, it kind of was a dumb question.

"We'll go, we should bring Aidan and Sadé." I say and he scrunches his face up. "What's the issue?"

"You always wanna include them little niggas, they annoy me, we need some time away from them." He admitted.

"I love my little siblings, leave them alone." I lightly slap his shoulder until Ajani pokes me again. "Hmmm?"

"More mama?" He asked and me and Amir both started laughing. I picked him up before putting him in the middle of us and Amir kissed his forehead.

"See, because you kept eating them cinnamon rolls now you're not eating your dinner." I tell to Ajani who paid me no mind.

His favorite meal was definitely peanut butter soup and rice that Amir's mom always made whenever we came over and packaged it for us. Today, he's barely touched his plate.

To make it worse, Ajani was a picky eater so he always had a way to make mealtimes hard. But I didn't want him to be waking us up in the middle of the night to eat like he likes to do sometimes.

"I told you to stop giving it to him, but you said 'nooo he's my baby'." Amir scolded and I rolled my eyes. He was too cute to say no too, how could I?

"Amir mind your business please." I reply and he shakes his head. He was right- at times, I could be too lenient on him.

"You don't let me yell at him, I don't know how to show him that i'm serious when he's misbehaving because he doesn't take me seriously." He expresses and I look at Ajani before turning back to him.

What I didn't want was Amir's childhood to dictate how he was as a parent. He was already an amazing one, that was for sure but when it came to discipline he didn't exactly know what to do.

I didn't believe in hitting children because there's other ways to make children listen and provoking them to anger didn't help and that's how I wanted to raise Ajani.

"And whenever we yell at them because they make a mistake, they won't want to talk to us anymore, you don't have to raise your voice for him to hear you." I explained to him.

"He definitely doesn't hear me when i'm talking calmly. He just thinks i'm playing." Amir replied as he eyed his laptop.

"I thought you didn't have any work to do today?" I asked him, switching the subject.

"Your most popular items are sell out too quickly and your fans aren't happy about it so you I am contacting your manufactures to make more." He replied, leaving me slightly baffled.

I really needed to get on my zoom when it came to business. I knew I sold out quickly but I didn't know about the reception it was getting.

"Thank you, what would I actually do without you?" I ask him and he shrugs. "Probably somewhere, struggling to breathe without me." He replied making me smile.


"He's not going to eat that, just take him out of the chair." Amir says, looking up from his laptop to Ajani who was playing with his fork.

"I can't believe your birthday is soon, my baby is really growing up." I say as I take off his bib and he immediately raises his hands so I can carry him.

"I'll clean his mess, you can take him." Amir says. Always so helpful. I picked Ajani up before positioning him on my waist.

"Thank you." I peck his lips but Ajani slaps his nose before I can kiss him again. "Baby don't do that." I tell him and he giggles.

"But if I slapped him..." He joked and I cut my eye at him.

"Sorryyy mama." He dragged and I smiled. All of Amir's mom's methods worked and he spoke so clearly now and I loved it.

"Don't say sorry to me, say sorry to your dad." I correct him and he looks at him before giggling again. "Sorry daddy." He smirked.

"It's alright." He shook his head, smiling to himself.

Decided to give you guys a happy ending 🙄 stop crying now

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